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When four 'o' clock finally rolled around, Aria stood outside the address that Mats had texted her.

6 Briarwood Court

It was a dark street, no orange streetlights illuminated the darkness. The green door she stood outside opened and a tall man with black hair stepped out from inside.

"Aria?" He questioned, making her spin around to meet his masculine face. She nodded and he pulled something from his
pocket, which was two cigarettes. "Want one?"

She knew better than to turn him down, what with Marco's temper, and she had been told Mats was worse. "If there's one on offer."

When the thin stick was in between her lips, he lit it with a black lighter pushing his face close to hers.

"So Marco's really in prison, huh?" He asked, taking a step back and lighting his own cigarette. "Do you know what for?"

"The police officers said suspected murder but I know it wasn't him that done it." She replied, breathing out the heavy cigarette smoke.

"What brings you here?" His voice remained calm and in control, but his eyes searched for the ground.

"Marco. He told me to come and see you so that I could continue his 'work'." She said, her voice quiet.

The air was silent for a few moments, as they both finished their cigarettes, flicking them to the ground.

"Of course," he replied, beckoning her towards the green door. "Follow me."

She followed him up the stairs, where he led her to a small dark room with a sofa in the corner.

"Sit." He instructed, a harsh tone in his voice. She obliged, taking a seat on the sofa. "So, I won't be needing you to do the same stuff Marco was involved in, that's a mans job. Instead, you'll be with me, my personal 'assistant'."

She nodded, not managing to form a sentence and ignoring the butterflies that were flying hectically in her stomach.

Mats disappeared out the door before saying another word. He returned quickly, with a bundle of skimpy clothes which he flung at her.

"Be here tomorrow, don't be later than one" he paused, smirking. "and wear them." He finished with a wink, pointing at the clothes before pulling her up and pushing her towards the door. "I'll see you then."

As soon as she stepped back outside into the cold air, the rain started to pour, almost signalling that the situation she had just gotten herself into was dreary.


authors note

i'm sorry all my chapters are short but i'm going to put this story on hold for a week or so, as schools busy now and this is the only story i don't have prewritten. but anyways, thank you for reading, remember to leave feedback / vote and have a wonderful day!

- eva xx

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