Chapter Two

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-Training: Kakashi vs Obito!-

Kakashi had mistakenly fell in love with his idiotic teamate. Opposites attract he can't help it! Kakashi walked home. Ignored the silence of nobody living there except himself. Graduation Day sucked considering he had already become a chunin previously. He lay in his bed pondering his day.

'Maybe tommorow Obito would like to train with me- No! Why would I wanna train with him? Idiotic pervert! But he seems kinda cool and misunderstanded and he looks really cute with the goggles on his head. Wha-? No! What am I even thinking? My dad didn't raise me to be gay!'   Kakashi was frustrated with his brain for coming up with such horrendous thoughts.

He groaned and rolled over onto his side, staring out the window. He looked up into the stars and continued thinking.

'Even if i was even a little tiny bit gay for him, as if he'd even like me.. He clearly liked Rin. It was obvious. He's probably straight anyway. Doesn't matter..' Kakashi's eyes began to crystalize as tears started forming at the sides.

Kakashi wiped his eyes, refusing to cry. "Real shinobi don't cry!" He criticized himself outloud as he turned over in bed, now facing the wall.

Eventually, Kakashi fell asleep. Awoken by his alarm, Kakashi got out of bed. He got changed and ready for his day. He grabbed his dad's sword and looked down at it.

"I miss you, dad." Kakashi spoke to absolutely nobody besides the sword.

He sighed, put the sword on his back and left his house. He walked to the training grounds and waited for the others. Kakashi was always a early bird so this was nothing new to him. Soon, Minato and Rin arrived. No sign of Obito though. Kakashi desperatly wanted to ask one of them where he was but he didn't wanna seem like he liked the jackass or something, so he kept it to himself.

3 hours of agony later, Obito arrived. Clearly out of breath he put his hands on his knees, crouched over and struggled to inhale air.

"I-*inhale* Am- *inhale*" Obito stuttered as he failed to speak

Kakashi decided to tease the taller boy. " Looks like someone is late to the first training." Kakashi grinned under his mask.

Obito finally caught his breath. "No! It's not my fault! I was um- Uh? Helping a cat in  a tree!" Obito lied through his teeth.

"Ha. As if Obito Uchiha would help anyone. What were you really doing??" Kakashi questioned the boy who was visibly aggrivated.

"I told you! I was helping a cat in a tree!  But.. maybealsoiforgotwhereweweresupposedtomeetbecauseiwasntpayingattentionyesterdayandilookedallovertownandfinallymadeithere." Obito spoke the last part outstandishly fast. Kakashi however understood every bit of that.

"Ha! Knew it! You were late because you didn't pay attention yesterday and you didn't know where to come so you looked all over town until you eventually found the spot!!" Kakashi once again teased the already worn out Uchiha.

"How did you- Well maybe I did! But i also did help a kitten on the way!" Obito replied

"Enough fighting you two!" Rin shouted at them, bringing their attention to her

"And with that we will now start training, if you two will just get along for one day." Minato spoke after Rin

"Fine! But I challenge Kakashi to a duel!" Obito screeched sounding very much like Kakashi's rival, Guy.

He gasped and his eyes grew wide at this. Kakashi didn't want to hurt Obito. And it hurt that Obito basically wanted to hurt Kakashi. It seemed everytime Kakashi tried to flirt Obito took it as offensive.

Kakashi sighed "Alright, but no powers just our bodies."

"Afraid my powers are too strong for you, Kakashi?" Obito smirked and Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"No, i just don't want to hurt you. Dork." Kakashi said, watching Obito's facial expression change.

Obito and Kakashi stood in front of each other. Staring at one another, waiting for Minato's cue to begin.

"3...2...1...Go!" Minato started the match.

In an instant Obito went to punch Kakashi, Kakashi dodged and went for a kick. Obito jumped over it and he uppercut Kakashi in the jaw. Kakashi groaned in pain and went for another kick. Kicking Obito in the groin, Obito yelped in severe pain.

"My balls!" Obito yelled which quickly alerted Kakashi, making him frozen

"Gotcha!" Obito tricked Kakashi into being froze and Obito tackled him the the ground. Grabbing his arm and putting it behind his back. Obito had won the match.

"Alright! Obito wins!" Minato Annouces as Obito stands up, removing his body off of Kakashi's.

Kakashi however was frozen to the ground. As if the ghost of Obito was still continuously pinning him to the grass. Thoughts in Kakashi's mind raced as he tried to accept loosing to Obito. What was wrong with him today?

Kakashi rolled over and looked at the sky. Obito walked to him and handed a hand out to him. Kakashi pondered, but then soon took it. Obito helped him up. That was strange. Kakashi, being the socially awkward bitch decided to be a douche.

"I could've got up myself, Teme." Kakashi complained about the kindess Obito showed him

Obito scoffed and stormed away to Rin, assumingly flirting with her. Kakashi just walked to a nearby log to sit on and think. He sat on it, faced away from the others into the forest. Trying not to confront his feelings for Obito.

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