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It goes without saying that I'm beyond mortified for myself

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It goes without saying that I'm beyond mortified for myself. Hands flat against the sides of my face and my knees bouncing impatiently, I can't help but pass a fleeting glance towards the clock, every fifteen seconds as time crawls by. I'm sweltering with nerves and I'm growing light-headed through the heat, it feels like I've run through a marathon with all the thoughts ricocheting off the walls of my head. 

I wonder what Jimin is thinking of my poorly maintained adrenaline rush now. I bet he's dying of all the internal laughter, and I know for a fact that he's quaking in his seat to get out of this class - just so he can tease me about getting my tongue twisted over an attractive boy.

At the same time, I'm unsure of how this is going to go. I've never seen the guy in any of my classes before and I wonder just how he's slipped my attention for the past three years, without so much as an eye-contact. I sit frazzled, jogging through my memories to find one moment where we've set our eyes on each other, but slump into my seat when I realize that there isn't one. I know my brooding is vain, I know it doesn't affect the guy one bit, but the thought that I've already blown my first impression to bits pushes another onset of irritation in me.

If only I could spit out an apology and saw my twines off with him.

Presently, my professor is taking her roll call and ticking off the submissions of last week's assignments. In my enervation, I barely pay attention to what she's saying.

"Park Jimin," A sigh follows, "Tardy again. What's your story now, mister? Did your crustacean die again?"

"Tomorrow, ma'am!" Jimin is quick to simper in mock apology, "I guarantee I'll hand it in at the earliest."

"You could die tomorrow," she points out with a twisted smile, "Feet of the desk."

Jimin sweeps his feet down to the floor, smirking at a few girls as they gawk at him in confusion. 

"Take a picture," he snides with a smirk, "it'll last longer." 

My lecturer is talking again, her steely voice fills the air, but my earsplitting thoughts silence the words. I'm tapping my foot against the floor too loudly, and my bottom lip is sore from their custody under my teeth. I am troubled and it's clearly evident that I wouldn't focus on the rest of my lesson.

A voice calls out to me, and my unnerved mind gathers back to focus. Then, a quick bump to the shin of my leg from the back of Jimin's heel - douses me in a pool of agony and I clench my jaw.

"Kim Mirae." It's the same voice, and my name hangs in the terse air as I wane back to the present.

My eyes fly to the stout woman beside the podium and she's searching through the sea of students to find me. I clear my throat harshly, trembling fingers touching vacant air as I draw my arm out with a bated breath. When her eyes find mine, a small smile scales the corner of her cherry red lips.

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