Leaf's Funeral

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I had died that morning. And the memory of my death was so vivid. Earlier, Brendan fought with CS, breaking up with her. In a fit if rage, Brendan took his rolling pin and beat Princess Piplup and me. Piplup died in shock. I didn't. I was hit in the head with the weapon and fell to the ground. Brendan then took the cooking tool and pierced my neck with it. The wooden pin, three inches in diameter, clogged my breaths.
That afternoon, my funeral was held at the park. Only three of my friends were able to attend, plus my murderer. They cried as Princess Piplup, whom Nurse Joy managed to save with a revive, spoke my apologies to all of those I hurt. My spirit stood before my corpse lying in the casket. I cried.
Pixie stood before my body that lay frozen in the box. His eyes had not shed a tear. He wasn't one to cry. He must have been in denial.
Arceus presented himself before me. "Are you ready?" I shook my head. He nodded. "Then you shall stay." I felt myself vanish.
Everything went dark. My eyes opened to the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. Red gave a slight smile when he saw me alive again.
"I would've flipped if I lost you too." I knew he was referring to his dead brother, Fire.
"Do you like me?" I asked him.
Red immediately turned around when I asked that. He denied even liking me the slightest. But when he whipped around like that, I knew that he meant-
"Yes?" I felt my cheeks burn. Red is my soulmate. He is my true love. But he is with Gold, so I try not to push my feelings.
I rose from the casket. All eyes were on me. Smiles formed on all of their faces. I was no longer dead.
"Leaf!" Goldy-Chan (Goldy for short) hugged me. "It's okay if you try and date Red! He is hot!"
Red's only response was, "What?"
"Go away!" his admin shouted. "This is girl talk!" CS and I smiled.
My murderer kicked over my picture next to the casket and left my funeral. Brendan is such a jerk. CS wasn't happy with him. The reason they had broken up today was because of her rejection to his proposal.
"Hey!" a familiar voice called. the four of us turned to see Fire, ALIVE. "Good to see you guys again." Fire looked identical to Red, but Red was older by three years and Fire had brown hair instead of black.
I fell backwards onto the ground. I saw the two attractive brothers. My heart raced from the hotness overload.
"Fire!" Pixie shouted as he hugged his formerly dead brother. "How are you alive?"
"Arceus let me live again." he answered.
"So, Fire," I said, getting the ground, "you still like me?"
He shook his head quickly. "Why the heck would I?" I gave him a smirk. He stood next to his brother to catch up. "I don't even like you!"
"Hey, boys!" I called in a sing-song fashion. Both looked at me. I turned around a and flipped up my skirt. "No?"
Both of their faces lit up brightly as they eyed me. They enjoyed my show. Fire snapped out his trance.
"You don't even know how to flirt!"
"Oh really?" I countered him by putting my shoulders closer together. By doing this, I managed to make it seem that my breast were larger and popped out more. Both boys stared at me. Then I pulled down my shirt to reveal my bra. Red's nose bled.
"Red!" I panicked. "You're bleeding!" To stop the blood, I pulled his head into my chest. It buried between my breast. The blood seeped through the cloth and kissed my skin. Disgusted, I took off my shirt and gave it to Red.
Fire's nose started to bleed because of me. "Um," Fire smiled, "CS, I need your help."
Red took off his shirt and handed it to his brother. Fire cleaned his face with the fabric. "You're welcome," Red grinned.
Red's glamorous smile and sexy body was too much for me. A tingle was felt on my top lip. I touched it and saw blood stain my finger.
I ripped off Red's pants the way CS used to with Brendan and cleaned my face. Red stared at me with his cheeks flushed with pink. He ran into the portapotty nearby. Fire swung its door open. We witnessed Red with the largest erection we had ever seen. He threw his pants inside to allow him to cloth himself. Fire closed it quickly.
Fire blushed in embarrassment. I gave him my skirt to clothe him. Now all I had was my underwear. "Oh, Red!" I sang.
CS held a box of pants and handed everyone more clothes...
It's not that kind of party...

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