Chapter 1

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"Maya can you hand me the remote?" My mom asked as she sat down next to me on the couch.

It wasn't an actual question. I knew that she expected the remote to be in her hand within the next 30 seconds, so I resisted the urge to tell her to get it herself.

I sighed quietly and reached for the remote that was on the small glass table inches in front of us. I smiled when I handed it to her, so she wouldn't say that I had an attitude.

"Thank you." She chirped and turned on the tv I looked back down at my phone and scrolled through tik tok. It seemed the more I scrolled the more sadder the people in the videos looked. With everything that's going on right now I don't really expect anyone to be too happy about anything to be honest.

We're getting killed more and more everyday it seems. There's almost nothing left to smile about. Mom barely let's me out of the house because she's scared that one day I'm not going to come back. I won't be here to comfort her and hand her the tv remote whenever she needed. I'd be dead...

I could only imagine how high her blood pressure would shoot if I told her I was sneaking out to go protest tonight.

If she ever knew that, I wouldn't have to worry about the cops getting to me first.

"What has president Trump screwed up this time." Mom glared at the tv as the president appeared on the news with a smile on his face. The anger and hatred in the air was almost tangible. "Nothing good ever happens when it comes to this man."

"Real men don't hide behind guns." I spoke with a straight face and the corner of mom's mouth curved upward.

I could barely pay attention to what he was saying, because of the simple fact that I didn't really want to hear it. He wasn't talking about how he turned a blind eye to protestors getting injured and more people of color facing police brutality.

He wasn't talking about that at all.

I sighed as I watched the president casually conversate with another news reporter.

I looked down at my phone when I heard the text message notification and pressed it. It was a link that my friend Danielle sent to the group chat. Someone retweeted one of Donald Trumps tweets.

These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen.Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control, but when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!

"He didn't even care about George." I glared at the screen with hot tears surfacing on my face "he doesn't care about any of us and he's already taking advantage of the situation." I frowned angrily

"Let me see." Mom spoke and I showed her the tweet.

"So basically he wants to silence us as soon as possible and ignore what we're fighting for in the first place."

"It's not fair.." I trailed off not knowing how to put my emotions into words. Mom kissed me on my forehead and grabbed my hand tightly.

"You listen to me okay? Everything is gonna be alright you hear me ? We made it out of something like this before and we'll make it out again." Mom spoke with such confidence in her voice and I nodded slowly.


"Now I'm going to go to sleep because I'm tired of looking at his face." Mom pointed towards the president as he talked to the reporter and I let out a small laugh.

"Night mom."

She got up from off of the couch and walked upstairs to her room. I sighed and leaned back into the couch cushion as I continued to watch the news. Then the tv glitched. I scrunched my eyebrows together I'm confusion when I noticed it.

"What?" I mumbled to myself when it went back to normal. I laid down on the couch and continued to watch the news, but it happened again.

"Huh?" I grabbed the remote from the spot that mom had been sitting at and tried to change the channel but it wasn't working.

On every channel I turned to it was the same thing. The news glitching.

Then it happened.

"Greetings citizens of the United States."

A distorted voice spoke and the glitching stopped. It appeared to be a man sitting in a chair in an empty room. I couldn't see him because he was wearing a mask. It was a white mask with with only two holes for his eyes to look out of. He seemed confident and everything about his posture screamed dominance. There was a long seductive smile painted onto the mask and it only added to the effect. He tilted his head to the side in a teasing manor and I found myself sitting at the edge of my seat to hear what it was he had to say.

"This is a message from anonymous, to the Minneapolis Police department." He continued

"Police brutality and murder is a widespread problem in the United States. Which has undoubtedly infected nearly every jurisdiction in the country, but the Minneapolis Police department is among the worst, and has a horrific track record of violence and corruption. This weeks brutal killing of George Floyd, Which has sparked protests and national outrage, is merely the tip of the iceberg."

Awful footage of the police were released and I seen nothing but police brutality. I know for a fact that this will make them look very bad. I couldn't stop the small smile that crept up on my face as I continued to watch the masked man.... or women? At this point I didn't know or care.

This is what we need right now, and I'm here for it.

"In a long list of high profile cases of wrongful death at the hands of officers in your stare. In fact In the last two decades 193 people have been killed by police in Minnesota. In recent years, we have seen numerous high profile killings in the area." I watched as he named a few names of people who have been killed and let out a small gasp.

"You will claim that this is just the work of
"A few bad apples", but what of the officers who stand by and do nothing while they commit offenses against the people they encounter, and the police departments like yours who refuse to prosecute these criminals as they would one of the citizens that they are sworn to protect. People have had enough of this corruption and violence from an organization that promises to keep them safe." I nodded in agreement and slid off of the couch and onto the floor as I moved closer to the tv screen.

After the events of the past few years, many people are now beginning to learn that you are not here to save us, but rather, you are here to oppress us and carry out the will of the criminal ruling class. You are here to keep order for the people on control- not to provide safety for the people who are being controlled."

I nearly laughed at the look of the reporters face. He had no idea what to say or how to stop any of this apparently. By the looks of it this anonymous group new what they were talking about.

"Unfortunately, we do not trust your corrupt organization to carry out justice, so we will be exposing your many crimes to the world. We are legion! Expect us."

Before anything else happened the screen glitched again, and then the man in the mask was gone. I stared at the screen for a moment trying to process what just happened before slowly reaching for my remote.

"Ummm... okay well-" I cut the president off mid sentence with my remote power button and smiled.

Who knew someone in a mask ready to help us face the world could be so.... charmingly hot.

He was not only anonymous

He was Daddy anonymous.

Laters Baby 😏

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