Chapter 7

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When I woke up again my eyes were blurry and the sun had gone down. I don't remember falling asleep. I sat up on my elbow and looked at my surroundings. I was on the room floor tangled in bed sheets. I struggled to stand up untangle myself and I clumsily fell back onto the floor.I hissed in pain suddenly remembering that my leg was in fact still freshly stitched from 2 days ago. I stood up more easily this time and looked around the dark room with squinted eyes. There was no tv only a small digital clock that read 11:11 p.m.

I silently thought about making a wish, but realized that it would just be pointless. There was a medium sized bookshelf filled with books on the far right corner of the room and on the left there was a large closet. It was pretty big, but it was very dull,empty, and very plain. Even if I wanted to somehow pretend this wasn't my jail cell in a way I just couldn't. Which made Benjamin wrong about the whole Stockholm syndrome thing,because I definitely did not have feelings for him.

I sighed and remembered him telling me that if I wanted to wash up, the shower would be in the south wing. I walked towards the door and turned the knob slowly. I poked part my head out of the door only to see a dark empty hallways. I stepped out of the room and quietly closed the door behind me. I took slow steps down the hall not wanting to wake anyone up.

Anyone meaning Benjamin.

I quickly walked past his door and exhaled in relief when I made it past safely. When I got to what looked like the main area there were 3 different stair cases the led to different ends of the house. One of them had the words south wing carved into the bottom step. I hesitantly took a step and placed my hand on the stair railing as I walked up the stairs. They looked creepy to me, the way they spiraled up into dark nothingness. The only good thing about these stairs was that they weren't creaky.

Once I made it to the top there was another long hallway. I sighed and continued walking. Once I reached what looked like a cabinet I pulled it open and seen the clothes that Benjamin had told me about earlier. I grabbed some black sweats and a random oversized tshirt. On the right side of the cabinet were the towels. I grabbed one and washing rag for my face. Eventually I found the bathroom, but the light was on which meant someone was already in there.

The door opened and I stood my ground thinking it would be Benjamin.

"What the actual fuck." A deep voice groaned slightly irritated and I gasped in shock. This wasn't Benjamin this was a completely different guy.

Where Benjamin had golden brown eyes this guys eyes were a cold grey color. His jaw was more square and chiseled, and his hair was longer than Benjamin's. His skin was the lightest shade of brown and dark brown freckles danced across the bridge of his nose. He was about 2 heads taller than me.

"I-I'm sorry I can just pretend I didn't see your face I won't say anythin..." I trailed off in confusion when he put a hand on the air which I assume was for me to stop talking.

"Look it's fine don't treat me like I'm going to kill you or something. I'm not like that. You just frightened me ya know? You're standing in the middle of a hallway with the lights off."he chuckled and I was taken off guard by how cool he was making the situation as if I hadn't just compromised him.

"And I figured if your going to be living with us it would be a matter of time before you caught one of us slipping." He gave me a boyish grin and I blushed

"So your not ...mad?" I asked cautiously

"Not really, no." He shrugged and that's when I noticed his bare chest and cut abs, and the towel that was wrapped around his waist rather loosely.

"Oh! U-um.."

He looked at me as if he were fully clothed and I was being weird for no reason.

"Well I'm Grey." He smiled again and held out his hand for me to shake. I hesitantly reached out my arm and raised my eyebrows In shock at how firm his grasp was. His hands were softer than I thought they would be. "I'm the nice one around here so if Blue or Scarlet tries to fuck with you just come to me."

"Oh that's really nice of you but I don't think I'd want to start anything between you guys.." I mumbled awkwardly and he shrugged.

"Your choice." He pulled his hand away from mine and I gave him a quick smile. "And you are...?" He asked and I gave him a look.

"I mean yes of course I know I was driving the van when Blue kidnapped you,but he never told me your name." He laughed

"Ahh well.." I trailed off in deep thought wondering if I should even tell him my name. I'm pretty sure Grey wasn't his real name.

"I could always hack into the street cameras and trace you back to your home and address, or go through your phone-"

"Heyy!" I whisper yelled "that's rude!" I snapped quietly "how.. how the hell do you even know how to... why are you smiling? This is not funny." I glared at the tall guy and he smirked.

"The bathrooms all yours now Maya ." He brushed by me without saying anything else as he walked down the hall.

"Why did you ask for my name if you already knew then?" I called after him and he turned around and started walking backwards as he faced me.

"It's called being polite love."

He turned back around and headed down the spiral staircase leaving me alone in the hallway.

"Have a nice shower!" He called over his shoulder

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom with Grey's scent still lingering in the air.

"It'S cAlleD bEing poLite lOve." I mimicked quietly as I undressed and turned on the shower. "Men." I rolled my eyes and stepped into the shower once it was warm enough.

I grabbed my washing rag and put soap on it before washing up. Suddenly Benjamin wasn't the only unmasked man on my mind. Grey had somewhat managed to catch my attention as well.

Maybe Benjamin was right... maybe I really do have daddy issues.

Laters baby😏

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