Chapter 5

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I'm definitely not in a hotel room when I wake up. My hands are tied behind me and Im sitting in a chair. There was tape covering my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. By the looks of it I'm in a closet, but it's one of those closets where you can peek through and see in the bedroom.

All I could see was an empty room and an empty bed. There was nobody in the room, but I did hear people talking on the other side of the door. Well it was more like arguing.

"No Blue you fucked up that's what happened. We told you to leave the girl alone and now look what happened you've been compromised." Scarlet snapped

"I just wanted to see if she was okay I didn't know that she would have my flash drive, and you know what Scarlet,  you are the last person on the planet to talk to someone else about being compromised. Did you forget that Grey was only recruited because you had comprised nearly the whole organization. All because of your stupid feelings?" Benjamin spoke and the room was silent. "And a year later you two already broke up."

"Go fuck yourself you asshole."

"I would but I've got other things to do." He remarked and seconds later I heard a door slam.

"Way to set the mood champ." Grey joked but I didn't hear a response "Too soon? Okay well I'll go work on that um.. that thing."

I tried to lean closer to the the wall so I could hear, but the room door opened and I jumped in my seat. I tried to scoot back but I didn't exactly have enough room to do so.

Without warning the closet doors were snatched open and I stared wide eyed at Benjamin's bare face. He wasn't wearing his infamous mask. He wasn't even wearing a face mask. I could tell he was upset by the way his jaw was clenched. He dragged my chair out into the center of the large room and sat down on the edge of the bed in front of me.

He leaned closely and our noses almost brushed against each other. His lips parted slowly and he lifted his hand and used his finger to trace around the tape that was covering my mouth. "I'm going to take this off now okay?" He breathed and I nodded quickly.

"But when I take it off you can't scream. You can't talk unless I ask you something you understand?" He asked and I simply stared at him.

"I said do you understand." He spoke a little louder and I nodded quickly.

"Good girl." He spoke and tapped the side of my cheek softly. I glared at him and watched as he slowly pealed off the tape from my over my mouth.

I screamed as soon as I got the chance.


"Shut up!" He yelled in my face before grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at him. I was quiet.

"You are very bad at following directions." He commented with a frown. "Why are you being such a bad girl huh? I thought I was nice to you the other day." He stared into my eyes and I felt as if he were looking at my soul.

"Wasn't I nice?"he growled and nodded quickly

"Yes." I mumbled

"Yes Daddy." He teased it a low mocking chuckle and I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion "Say it." He hissed and I flinched back .


"Did I stutter??"

"No?" I shook my head and he nodded

"Good now when I ask you a yes or no question you'll either say yes Daddy or no Daddy." He spoke as if he were talking to a child and I glared at him. " I don't care if it's embarrassing for you I need you to understand that I'm the one in charge here. Not you. You're the one who got yourself into this mess and now I'm compromised because of it. You know things that no one but me and my sources are supposed to know-"

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