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I'm disappointed in the human race we gave people peacefully protesting and people who are rioting which is sending the wrong message to people not aware of the situation right now, and as a black person I shouldn't be afraid of the people who are supposed to protect us I'm already worried about my family in other states during this global pandemic we don't need people destroying businesses if you want to help then please don't riot I know your mad but this is isn't a good alternative but ultimately it's your choice or not and if you are rioting then that's your choice but in my opinion this is sending a wrong message and in advance sorry to everyone of your rioting and you don't agree with my opinion but still everyone stay safe in this world (edit) okay I just learned about David Dorns and Patrick underwoods death now the riots really need to stop who's decided to kill a seventy seven year old black police officer doing his job some people are doing he riots because they think that nothing will change if they don't do this which I respect to a certain extent but murdering someone that's crossing the line and some people are using riots to loot, destroy, and murder he probably was about to go into retirement the riots aren't about black life's matter anymore or George Floyd's death or police brutality, and as much as I hate Donald trump the people who are doing this are just thugs now there's no explanation there's no justification for who did this to this man I'm honestly pissed right now.

Rest In Peace George Floyd, Patrick Underwood, David Dorn.

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