Tears and Smoke

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Ello darling. Welcome to a whole new story. Enjoy!!!
You looked off into the horizon, watching the sun go down, the sky was pink and purple, the cold winter breeze made it feel like you were crying ice. Just yesterday the killer of your family members was murdered, you should have felt peaceful but all you felt was pain. That Man took everything from you. Your mom and dad. Your baby sister, your aunt and uncle, even your grandfather. Everything was gone. It was supposed to be a nice family barbecue. You were supposed to die, but instead you lived, all because of these stupid powers. He tried to shoot you. But instead the bullet whizzed past you, because you were born with the ability to move things with your mind, you also had the ability to see different fucking outcomes of the future, but you hated doing that cause it gave you a headache. The last shitty power you had was you could kiss something and it would burn it. enough with exposing you for fourshadowing. Now you were here, at the very top of the tower next the home of the Avengers. You weren't planning to jump, in fact you were just looking at where you would be sleeping tonight. You were homeless, 15 and hiding from social services. You dangled your feet of the edge, your H/c hair waving along with the soft wind, it was starting to get colder outside, The air was nipping at your nose and making your eyes droop. You went over to the small blanket you had and covered yourself up. You shivered, feeling the cold covering your body. Drifting off to sleep you saw your family's bodies, blood surrounding them. You woke up to your sister, tara, looking off into the stars. You slowly pushed the blanket off yourself and went to your little sister.
"Its your fault." She said in a deep voice. You tried to reach out to her but she disappeared. A stray tear fell from your face, falling down the sky scraper and hitting the cheek of a 16 year old Midtown student.
Peter Parker was finishing up his Patrol, after May died he was taken in by Tony and lived his life as normal as he could. He went to school and talked with his friends everyday. The only thing that changed was his home life, he could only patrol to 10 and all of the Avengers were looking after him. He walked across the dry pavement, kicking a small rock with his feet. He was one building away from the Avengers tower when he felt a water droplet hit his face, he thought it was just rain but when he looked up, he saw a girl, looking off into the distance. Panic spiked in his chest, this girl was about to kill herself. He thought to himself for a second, wondering if he should go up there or try to convince her to come down. He made his decision, going over to the side of the building and climbing up, he scaled up the bricks until he made it to the top.
" Hey, listen you don't have to do this" the girl looked to Peter, confusion littered her face as she stared into his kind soul.
"If I was gonna kill myself I wouldn't be so cliche" you responded, venom lacing your voice.
"Ok then just step away from the edge." Peters worry was skyrocketing so You decide to be a bitch and play with the spiderling. You knew that if you jumped you could catch yourself, just like when you used your clothes to fly around, it was simple. Just move the clothes with your mind and you can fly. You slowly put one foot over the edge, the shoe laces of your worn down converse waved slowly in the breeze.
"Please, Stop. You don't have to do this" panic was beggining to set in Peters chest, he was worried that he couldn't save her.
" 15 years of this shit. Skipping through abandoned houses. In the words of our gods, I dedicate my entire life to our lord and savor Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get?"
You couldn't help but make your fake last words a vine quote. You glanced at Peter as another tear slid down your rosy cheeks. Then you fell forward, letting the air fly past your fragile form, you stopped your self midway, letting your clothes tug on your soft y/s/c skin. Your heard Peter scream as his foot steps got closer and closer and you heard him whisper.
"What the fuck?!" You grinned as you slowly walked up the side of the building and gracefully put your body back to the ledge, you planted your feet to the ground and whispered.
" What? You didn't see that coming?" Peters face was priceless, his eyes were wide open, looking into your dark pupils. You walked past the dumbfounded teen and went to your pack of cigarettes laying next to your blanket. You grabbed the last one in the pack and kissed the tip, it light up and you walked pack to the teen, whos mouth was still wide.
" Close your mouth, you look like a dead frog." You put the cigarette in your mouth and walked off the edge, your shoes caught you and you were walking on air, you started slow dancing to a song that was stuck in your head all day.
" I'll be dead by dawn. I'll be dead by dawn." You slowly moved your body to the tune in your head. Smoke sifted through the air, your baggy jeans waved back and forth as you moon walked across the air. Peter swore he was in some kinda dream, a homeless teenager was moonwalking on air while smoking.
" Come vibe with me soft eyes"
Peter stared at you with wide eyes.
" fine then party pooper" you walked back to the ledge and sat on your thin blanket. You smashed your cigarette into the the cement and layed down.
"Literally what is happening?" Peter asked as his brown curls drifted with the air.
" I'm a mutant, whatcha gonna do about it? Also how'd you get up here, you a mutant too?" You looked up at the sky that was littered with stars. Peter ignored the question because he knew the answer was yes. He thought about how he could help this girl
" are you homeless?" Peter guessed
" yep " You closed your eyes as you answer the teens question.
" I have a few friends that can help you would you like to meet them?" The spiderling questioned, knowing you would resit
" sure let's go man" You replied simply as you got up and walked up to Peter.
" woah, its usually not that easy." Peter whispered, surprised as you walked past him. You went up to the ledge for the third time this night and turned to Peter, the heels of your feet barely hung of the ledge, you grabbed the front of Peters shirt collar and leaned into kiss him, his eyes widened as his face started to heat up, you fell backwards off the ledge while kissing him. Your fire lips pushed against his making them burn slightly, you both fell, your hair flew into his face as he panicked. The two of you flew gracefully through the night sky.
Hope you like it! If you have any requests on the reader/you you can comment all characters belong to Marvel.
Bye Chompers!!!

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