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15 January 1994

It was a normal Saturday night in Central London and a lone figure sprinted through the wind and rain, never faltering on his crucial journey.

He knew the streets like the back of his hand and probably could navigate them with his eyes closed, but he obviously hadn't anticipated the barren pavement to be so slippery with rain water.

The mans legs came flying out from under him and in his desperate attempt to protect his precious cargo, he twisted in mid-air and landed on his back, successfully getting the wind knocked out of him.

Not wanting the rain to ruin his parcel, the man stood, brushed himself off and carried on sprinting towards his final location which had just come into sight.

With one last burst of effort the man drew out a silver key, swiftly placed it in the lock and hurried inside the old police box.

Letting out a sigh of relief , the man, more commonly known as The Doctor, placed down the plastic carrier bag that contained his fish and chips on the seat in the TARDIS control room.

After taking off his now soaked leather jacket and leaving it to dry The Doctor turned back to his dinner, rubbing his hands in anticipation.

" Well then, time to eat."

Just as he was about to plop the first chip into his mouth, a baby's cry was heard , making him jump out of shock.

Slowly and cautiously The Doctor made his way around the control panel until he saw a small golden basket sat on the floor.

The Doctor was speechless.

"H-how did you get in here? The door was locked!"

His raised tone just made the baby cry louder. Crouching down next to the basket The Doctor saw that inside was in fact a crying new born infant nestled in blankets with a letter resting on its chest.

" Here, If I pick you up will you promise not to throw up on me?"
Asked the Doctor jokingly.

Surprisingly the baby quietened down and opened it's eyes. They were a stormy grey, like the sky before thunder, and with that The Doctor plucked the letter of the baby's chest and picked up the child. After a quick peek The Doctor saw that it was a baby girl.

"Hello there! I'm the Doctor and you are...?"

The little girl only gurgled in response bit luckily the doctor could speak baby.

< I don't have a name. Your meant to give me one. Isn't that what Dad's do for their kids? >

Two things shocked The Doctor,

A) How did the little girl know such good English?
I mean a baby could communicate with someone if they knew how to speak to them, but usually it's extremely broken up and some of the words are wrong, but this little girl could speak better than any other he'd heard.

And B) Did she just say Dad?

"Did you just call me your Dad?"

The little girl didn't reply but instead grabbed a handful of The Doctors jumper and started to tug on it, gurgling with happiness.

Looks like he got that question right then.

After coming to the conclusion that the infant wasn't going to speak again, The Doctor decided to open the letter.

It was quite a difficult task to open the envelope with a baby in his arms but The Doctor managed to do it.
The letter was heavier than anticipated and it was handwritten in slanted, fancy script.


My Dearest Doctor,
You are probably wondering why there is a baby in your TARDIS , and if you continue to read this letter I will explain everything.

This little girl is your child.

Usually I do not leave notes with my children as The Fates do not allow it but they granted me this one exception.

You may name her as you please and raise her how you will but I leave you this one request. When she comes to learn of the realism of the Gods, her scent will be powerful. Even more powerful than a child of The Big Three.

Our daughter is half god, half Time Lord, so she will eventually become one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
Do not let her abuse this power. For if she does, the consequences will be immense, even by our standards.

I know you are not that keen on children but I beg of you, please take care of our daughter as she is most precious to me. All of my children are.

With great farewells,


Whilst The Doctor was reading the letter, the little girl had exhausted all of her energy and fallen asleep in her fathers arms. When The Doctor saw this he lightly kissed the top of his daughters head.

" I guess it's just you and me now kiddo. "

As he headed down a corridor leading away from the control room in an attempt to find somewhere for the child to sleep, The TARDIS let out a soft hum and a door materialised next to The Doctor.

The Doctor smiled and spoke aloud.

" Thanks old girl."

And with that he headed into his daughters new room.

It was painted a dark blue with a cradle tucked into the far corner. The solar system had been pained on one wall and on the ceiling was an elaborate star chart. With his reputation he could tell she would love it when she was older.

Softly placing his daughter down in her cradle he remembered something.
" You need a name." He whispered cautious not to wake her.
So The Doctor started to pace.

After a few minutes of thinking The Doctor came up with a something suitable.

Lightly stroking her face The Doctor mumbled to his daughter, " Sleep well Alexis," and silently left the room.

All of time and space ( Book 1 in the Lexie Smith adventures )Where stories live. Discover now