👋The Meeting👋

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Hey I'm Alice I've got a IQ of 177. I'm trained in hand to hand combat with and without a weapon and long distance combat. I know my way around a computer, I can tell if someone's a liar from a mile away and I can tell when someone lies. I'm fluent in Latin, I was bullied all threw my life because I was smart, short, and a freak. I came home every night with a fresh bruise until I learnt to fight back. Any way let's get started.


Alice walked into the large garage knocking on the door before opening it. As soon as she walked in Cabe had a gun aimed at her.
"Jesus" she muttered "calm down jeez a bit jumpy arent we" she sighed pulling the guns from out of their holder holding them up before the laying them on the ground.
"And the reast" Cabe stated Alice growled grabing two switch blades from between her thighs. "All of it" he stated again by now walter, Paige and Sylvester were beside Cabe.
"ARGH FINE" Alice yelled out frustrated she grabbed another knife out of the holster putting it on the ground with the reast. Then pulling a knife out of her bra, each of her boots and her back pocket placing them on the floor. "Happy now" you growled
"And that" Sylvester asked nervously.
"Its just a whip calm down" she rolled her eyes Cabe lowered his weapon.
"State your business" Cabe stated
"I'm Alice Moon I was apart of you latest Mission where he was severely injured" Alice stated pointing at Sylvester
"Alice Moon" Happy smiled walking over
"Happy" she smirked crossing her arms. Happy walked over pulling you into a hug.
"How've you been" you smiled hugging back.
"Just kicking back with these weirdos" She smiled
"We can hear you, ya know" Toby sighed walking into the room rubbing his temple. She pulled back looking up to see Toby.
"Toby" she questioned
"Ali" He smiled. Alice ran over and hugged Toby. Toby wrapped his arms around her small body spinning her around.
"How do you two know either Cabe asked.
"We use to get in alot of trouble together and Happy and I use to smash shit up" She smiled.
"Alice has an IQ of 177, she's great with computers she can fight speak fluent Latin and is a human Lie Detector" Happy stated
"Can I pick up my weapons now" Alice asked. Cabe nodded. Alice went over putting all of her weapons back into place.
"Alice this is Walter, Cabe, Sylvester and Paige" Toby stated
"Hey"Alice smiled. Cabe's phone began ringing he picked it up.
"A new assignment" Cabe stated everyone got to work exsept Alice

Its been an hour and no o e could figure out how to hack into the guys account. Alice walked up behind Walter and pointed out something he did wrong. Then she pushed him out of the way hacking into the account.
"How did you do that" Walter asked
"It was easy" Alice explained how she did it. They went threw the guys account and found an email to the guy that was murdered exsept no one could figure out hat language it was in. Alice walked back over to Walter watching as he tried to figure out what language it was.
"Push me out of the way again I swear" Walter stated
"Fine I won't" Alice smirked sitting on Walter's Lap Walter let out a low groan that he couldn't hold in. "et redde tu enim omnis dolor fecit" Alice read. "You will suffer for all the pain you've caused" Alice smirked "Its latin" She smiled. Alice stood up and winked at Walter walking out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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