Chapter 1

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Screaming and yelling everywhere. Swords clashing, shields breaking.
That's what Cassandra heard from all around her. Corona was under attack.

It had been 2 years since she returned after having been away to find her destiny for 2 years, but she had realized how everything she really wanted was already in Corona, but now instead of being the lady in waiting she got to be a royal guard.

But today she didnt even have time to put on any armor, what was supposed to be her free day turned out into this attack. It was far worse than any other she had seen before, she didn't even know if Rapunzel, Eugene or the other royals were still alive.
It pained her to know she was one of the very few people that were left from Corona, but she kept on fighting nevertheless.

The enemy seemed to be from a kingdom far away, but nobody really knew who they were since the attack came out of complete surprise. All she knew was that they couldn't win. Who knows what they would do otherwise?

Cassandra saw that everyone around her had fallen - Coronians as well as people from the enemy. But then a soldier - he seemed to be the only one left - came out of nowhere and started to attack her. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep up much longer, the many bruises she had weakened her.

So she thought to herself: "For Rapunzel. For Corona. For repaying my wrongs. I can do this. It's just one soldier, I've taken down so many before."

And somehow after some clish-clashing of their swords her sword pierced through the enemy's stomach. She could hear him scream and saw how he fell.

She felt a small moment of victory but was overcome with the stabbing pain of all the bruises shortly after..
Cassandra was losing a lot of blood and could feel her consciousness slipping away..

As she tried to walk away she heard footsteps coming towards her. Then a familiar voice called to her: "Cass! Cassie!"
Slowly turning her head towards the voice she saw Varian, he was running towards her.

Her consciousness was fading away further as she fell and almost hit the ground but Varian was able to catch her.

Her consciousness was fading away further as she fell and almost hit the ground but Varian was able to catch her

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"Cassie oh my god, you're still alive! You.. you don't know how glad I am.."
"Varian. Hey.. I'm glad to see you to..
You don't seem to be hurt, that's good.."
Holding her in his arms Varian looked at Cassandras face, she looked tired and pale but was smiling weakly. Then he saw all the bruises and how blood came out of her stomach.
"Oh no! Cassie, stay with me ok?"

He got up and started running towards his house, which luckily didnt get destroyed during the attack, with Cassandra in his arms.
"I'm gonna help you, just.. stay please!"
He looked down at her worriedly, tears started to form in his eyes.
He didn't see a single person around him. It seemed as if Cassandra and him were the only people left.
"I'll try to stay Varian.. I'll try.." Cassandra weakly said looking up at him.

When they finally arrived Varian carefully laid Cassandra down on his bed making sure, she wouldn't get hurt any further.

When they finally arrived Varian carefully laid Cassandra down on his bed making sure, she wouldn't get hurt any further

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"I'll get bandages or anything like that I can find." He quickly went away to look for them.

Cassandra felt so much pain. She didn't want to die but she truly didn't know if she'd make it..
"Varian, thank you.." she said as Varian returned.. "but I don't know if I'm going to make it.."
"You are! You have to please!"
Varian said worriedly
"I'll try my best.. But don't get your hopes up too high.." Cassandra replied as the stinging pain in her stomach made her hold it tightly.

Varian couldn't bear to look at her face filled with pain, he looked down her body to see where the worst bruises were that needed some bandaging. It was obvious, her stomach. A little blood was still coming out of there. But to clean up the wound and then bandage it Cassandra would have to..

"Cass, um we'll need to get your stomach free from.. the clothes..?" he said nervously.
"Ah you mean I need to undress so the wound can be cleaned.. Ow.." she said holding her stomach.
"Yeah, may I?" Varian asked as his face turned a little red.
"You may but only because you're.. saving my life" Cassandra said calmly.
Carefully he got rid of the clothes and saw the wound.. He wasn't a doctor but he knew that it looked really bad and probably hurt a lot.

"Cassandra, I'm so sorry.. You're probably hurting a lot.. You don't deserve this pain" Varian said as he started to clean up the wound.
"At least I'm not dead like almost everyone" Cassandra replied as she pulled her face in pain.
Varian smiled a little "Right..".
"Thank you Varian. Without you I probably would be.. you know, dead right now"
Cassandra tried to smile back but the pain made her pull a face again.
"You're welcome.. I'd save you from dieing anytime.. always."
Cassandra smiled as he carried on and went to bandaging the wounds.

"Thanks again Varian, I was just wondering how come you survived the whole battle?" Cassandra asked as Varian finished the bandaging

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"Thanks again Varian, I was just wondering how come you survived the whole battle?" Cassandra asked as Varian finished the bandaging.
"Oh.. I used some of my alchemy in the beginning of the battle, the soldiers really had no clue what to do about it, but towards the end I hid myself hoping no one would see me... Like a coward.."
Varian said, a little disappointed of himself.
"Hey, no worries, you're still alive and you helped after all, even though you didn't have to.. Don't be hard on yourself."
Cassandra laid her hand on his.
"Thanks.. That means a lot." Varian replied relieved.
Cassandra yawned weakly "Im so tired.. I'll try to sleep, ok? Just so you don't think that I'm dead when I close my eyes now.. but wait, Varian where will you sleep? I'm in your bed now after all."
"Oh I'll just sleep in my lab, I've got some sort of a bed in there too, I fall asleep there pretty often."
"Ah well then good night."
"Sleep well and get some rest, you need it Cassie."
With that Cassandra closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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