XXXV- reminiscent

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Atlas had his eyes fixated on his lock screen, more specifically on (Y/n)'s face. She was so happy with him in that moment and he'd screwed it all up. Next to him was the shoe box filled with pictures of (Y/n), the receipt from their first meeting and the daisy crown he was wearing in this picture.

The flowers had shrivelled down to about a third of their size and smelled revolting but he still picked up the chain and held it close to his heart.

He'd cried enough tears over the past three days for a lifetime, this was like when Indigo left but tenfold.

At least Indigo wasn't scared to death of him... The way Atlas saw it was that this was a big misunderstanding and if (Y/n) knew quite how much he loved her and that he had no negative intent with her in the slightest then this would all be okay.

But he needed to find her to tell her that.

Atlas was running out of ideas and fast, his time was either occupied with trying to find (Y/n) or wallowing in his own misery and the latter seemed to be taking over day by day.

Images and unanswerable questions plagued his mind. What if (Y/n) was hurt? What if she'd found someone else? What if she had left the country? What if she was gone for good? He desperately needed to find her location before any of these fears cam true, but perhaps he was too late.

He knew for a fact she had no money, no phone, nowhere to go. Literally anything could happen to (Y/n) without him and Leo there to defend her.

Atlas buried his face into his hands and allowed even more tears to fall from his eyes. Dozens of photos were scattered around his room, all of the woman in question.

This waiting was torture but (Y/n) wouldn't be happy if she learned he was crying to himself all day instead of actually doing something to find her. No, if Atlas wanted to really make (Y/n) proud then he needed to get up off of his ass and get to work.

He wiped his tears sloppily and sniffed several times to regain some composure. Atlas brought together all the pictures in his hand, holding them delicately as if they were (Y/n) herself. He placed them all back in the shoebox and shut the lid.

That was what he needed to do with the real (Y/n), get her in the house and that would be where she could stay. Only there could she truly be kept safe by Atlas and Leo.

Though Atlas was still not quite used to the notion of sharing (Y/n) he was growing more accustomed to it and understood it to be the right thing to do for (Y/n).

She'd love him eventually, she'd love Leo too.

But the work had to come first.

Leo was driving up to 𝑺𝒐𝒍'𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 yet again. Not only did it remind him of (Y/n) but it would probably be the first place she would go other than her apartment if she were to come back at any point.

And unlike her apartment, it was open to the public.

There was the added bonus that Indigo may also stop by but that was pretty far out of Leo's mind by then. (Y/n) was his main priority and finding her had to trump everything.

He parked outside and then strolled into the store. It was the middle of the night so when (Y/n) would have ordinarily worked. Leo was nostalgic for days over a month ago when he'd be here every night.

He'd taken (Y/n) for granted and hadn't recognised being around her as the sheer blessing that it was. Leo promised himself however that he would never do that again and if- no, when- he got (Y/n) back he'd be sure to treasure every single moment with her.

Leo walked in, the lights blinded his dark brown and grey eyes. He thought back on when he and Atlas had come here just a few days ago to get her, he'd been so confident that all would go well but she just had to hitch a ride with some stranger.

Leo wished he'd seen the driver's face or gotten a proper look at the car they were driving but alas.

The new cashier seemed older than both him and (Y/n) and looked remarkably tired, they probably hadn't gotten used to the night shift yet.

The security cameras were up and running again and the speakers seemed to be functioning. Leo smiled briefly that the store seemed to be getting itself together.

It was difficult to know whether the police had got involved with that night, (Y/n) had presumably kept pretty quiet but Leo couldn't be sure when it came to her boss. So far neither he nor Atlas had been dogged down by any police so things seemed okay in that regard.

He took himself down one of the aisles, still quite lost in his thoughts. Leo was hardly looking up when he collided with someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said immediately.

"Jeez, watch it." The person he'd bumped into said after recovering from stumbling away a bit.

Leo narrowed his eyes at him, it was a teenage boy who he almost recognised but was struggling to place. "Do I know you?"

The kid soured. "I don't know." He sneered. "Now outta my way, I'm getting some beer for a party."

Leo stepped aside and then he suddenly recalled who it was. That kid had tried to buy alcohol the night Leo first met (Y/n), he lashed out and threw a bag of chips on the floor and Leo helped (Y/n) put them away.

He felt almost...warmed by the interaction, even if the kid had been pretty rude. It just served as a small reminder that (Y/n) wasn't far.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now