XXXII- lawless

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"You're such an asshole." (Y/n) remarked.

Aiden still had his lips upturned in just about the most obnoxious smile (Y/n) had ever seen.

"I'm gonna get fucked up."

(Y/n) scoffed. "Good luck getting hammered on six cans of light beer."

His wide grin faltered as he looked back to the road. "So... These guys.. the ones following y-"

"Atlas and Leo?"

"Uh, yeah... What did you say their deal was? They're in love with you or something?" Aiden asked.

"That's what they're saying." (Y/n) released a deep breath. "I still don't really know what their intentions are."

"Shit... That's crazy."

She nodded. "I feel stupid, someone broke into my apartment the day before yesterday too. It must have something to do with them."

"Hopefully you can stay away from them then." It was obvious that Aiden wasn't used to dealing with stuff like this and (Y/n) couldn't expect him to be at such a young age. She still found it nice that he was trying.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"It's whatever... After today we never have to see each other again."


They kept driving and eventually the highway turned into streets lined with houses and other buildings.

(Y/n) anxiously tapped her foot, her mind was relaying much of what she'd gone through that night. She could only pray that Aiden's cousin would give her enough money to set herself up in a motel at least for a couple nights.

"We're close." Aiden said.

(Y/n) brightened up slightly, as annoying as he was Aiden seemed willing to help her if his cousin was anything like him then she was sure she could secure a loan from him.

Soon enough they were pulling up ahead of a flat roofed bungalow. It was pretty plain from the outside, it was practically just a cuboid with a door and some windows.

"Just a warning... He's kind of... You'll see."

"Kind of what?" (Y/n) asked in concern.

Aiden winced. "It'll be pretty evident."

"You can't say 'just a warning' and then proceed not to tell me!"

"Ugh... Be prepared, okay?" Aiden threw the driver side door open and (Y/n) opened her door too.

"I can't be prepared if I don't know what I'm meant to be preparing for." She huffed.

Aiden pulled the beer out of the trunk and rolled his eyes. "Knock on the door, I'll be there in a minute."

She was about to refute him by saying that it might be better for this man's cousin to knock in the door instead of a total stranger but she ultimately gave up and just went up to the front door.

(Y/n) glanced down at the welcome mat beneath her feet- the words 'fuck off' were clearly written on them. Very inviting to say the least.

She knocked on the door and awaited its opening. From inside the house she could hear several thuds and crashes which didn't help in her impression of the place.

The door swung inwards with such ferocity that (Y/n) jumped back. The man she assumed to be Aiden's cousin stood ahead of her. She had never seen someone look so tired yet full of energy at the exact same time.

He blinked several times in quick succession. 'This guy is definitely on something.' She thought as his head nodded up and down like a small animal.

"Come in." He said, opening the door wider and stepping aside for (Y/n) to go inside.

"Uh, you don't know me." She sad in confusion.

"Yeah... But you're at my house so.." The guy shrugged as if that was a valid reason for allowing a total stranger into his house with zero explanation of who they were and why they were there.

"I'm here with Aiden, your cousin. I won't bother you for too long-"

"Aiden finally got a girlfriend, huh?" The older man leaned against the door frame and looked over (Y/n)'s shoulder at Aiden's car proudly.

"What? No, no, no, I'm twenty-two. We barely even know each other."


"The age part or the fact we don't know each other?" (Y/n) was severely baffled by the guy's whole deal.

"Both. He's like what? Sixteen?"

(Y/n) stared at him with her mouth agape. "Exactly!"

"My girlfriend's forty-nine and I'd known her for three days before I asked her out." He said nonchalantly.

"But that's different, you're not a minor." (Y/n) looked him up and down, deeming the man to be in his mid to late forties. "You're only a few years younger than her, right?"

"I'm nineteen."

"I... I am so sorry." (Y/n)'s eyes widened, there was absolutely no way that he was younger than her.

"Hey, Cheyenne!" Aiden approached the two of them, making (Y/n) breath out in relief that she no longer had to speak to this old-man-child for much longer.

"Aiden!" He stepped outside, allowing (Y/n) to really smell his body odor. He hugged his cousin despite being dressed in a dressing gown and presumably nothing else. "How are ya, kid? I met your friend, she's fun. Sorry, what's your name?"

"Um, (Y/n)."


"No. Just (Y/n)."

Cheyenne nodded. "That makes more sense...Why don't you guys come in?"

(Y/n) uncomfortably shifted on the couch as Aiden proudly announced that he'd got beer for him and Cheyenne.

The inside of Cheyenne's house looked... Well, it looked exactly as she had expected it to. Messy as all hell.

"Whatcha got your lady friend here for?" Cheyenne asked eventually.

"She's on the run." Aiden said vaguely while sitting down next to (Y/n) as Cheyenne took a seat opposite them.

"Whoa, what? Can I join?"

"I... Don't think that's a good idea." (Y/n) grimaced.

"Damnit, so, what do you need me for?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow some money for a motel, I promise I'll pay it back as soon as I possibly can but I don't have any ID or money right now. I don't even have my phone." She pleaded with him.

"Nonsense, you can hang here."

"Sorry, what?" She leaned forward.

"Yeah, what??" Aiden sounded even more surprised than she did.

"I've got a couch, you're sittin' on it. You can crash as long as y' need." Cheyenne didn't sound like he was joking at all.

"I- th-thank you." (Y/n) said, while she was genuinely grateful that she didn't have to pay for a motel it wasn't like this was ideal. But as the saying goes: beggars can't be choosers.

As long as she was away from Leo and Atlas then any place would do.

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