XLIII- heartfelt

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A week had passed since the first day of (Y/n) living with Atlas and Leo. While she had calmed down significantly, she remained less than happy about the situation and wasn't stopping herself from vocalising that fact.

She was now only locked in her room at night, and was allowed to roam the house freely during the day. (Y/n) had created a floor plan in her head of all the routes she could take to the front door. It was always locked along with the windows but her determination never left.

They were sat around the dining table eating breakfast, Atlas and Leo had been acting strange all morning. Atlas was in one of his moods where he was even more on edge than normal and Leo seemed to be stricken with nerves too.

Not that (Y/n) cared much if they were uncomfortable or not but she knew this had to concern her since they were keeping the whole thing very much under wraps.

"What's wrong with you two?" She asked out of the blue.

"Hm?" Leo hummed. "There's nothing wrong at all, I don't know what makes you think that." He then said far too quickly for it to sound at all natural.

"You've both been acting weird all morning." (Y/n) placed her cutlery down and narrowed her eyes at them. "Is this something to do with me?"

"Don't worry ab-about it." Atlas said with a small and quite clearly faked smile.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm going out to the garden then."

One of the only posistvie outcomes of being held here was that Atlas's garden was far larger than (Y/n)'s. He'd taken careful research to get (Y/n) all of the best supplies for her gardening.

She headed outside, it was a relatively mild morning. Being in the garden always helped her feel the tiniest bit more free than she'd feel otherwise. Just existing outside of the walls of the house allowed (Y/n) to separate herself from it.

She'd often find herself thinking about her old friends, her parents, Sol, Aiden, Cheyenne and Indigo whenever she was out there as she wondered if they were looking for her at all.

Well, Indigo obviously wasn't.

(Y/n) was understandably bitter about the fact that Indigo had sold her down the river for some unknown reason. She didn't even like Atlas and yet here (Y/n) was!

She looked through the glass doors and saw Leo and Atlas talking in a worried conversation. Atlas was chewing on his fingernails as Leo seemed pretty annoyed.

(Y/n) glared at them, if they were going to do all this shit then the least they could do was let her know what had got them so worked up.

(Y/n) had tried to distance herself from both Atlas and Leo when they were sat on the couch later to watch a movie though neither of them were happy about it.

She ended up sat between them as she boredly looked at the screen. Atlas's fidgeting disturbed her greatly, he kept on looking around too but (Y/n) didn't bring it up.

The credits rolled onto the screen and (Y/n) was about to stand up and excuse herself but her wrist was held on to by Leo.

"Wait, we need to tell you something." He said shakily.

(Y/n) watched as Atlas and Leo shared a glance and the latter nodded towards the former.

"Um, (Y/n), y-you know how we-we went, uh, we went t-to my parents rehearsal for their anniversary dinner?" The blonde stuttered out.


"Uh, the real thing is coming up and we, um... L-leo?" Atlas looked to Leave desperately for any sort of help.

"We wanted to bring you to it, you'd be... um, posing as Atlas's girlfriend again." Leo continued with noticeable irritation at the last part.

(Y/n) pulled a face. "We?"

"Indigo agreed to bring me as a plus-one. We should both be there to keep an eye on you after all." Leo explained. "She'd spoken to her parents about it but they obviously don't know about our, um, our... Situation."

"A-and we'd really like t-to keep it that way!" Atlas added.

"I guess what we're asking is: can we trust you not to tell anyone or allude to this at all?" Leo asked very seriously.

(Y/n) nodded, getting out of this house would be the perfect opportunity to make a run for it and never have to see these creeps again!

"I know that you're already thinking about escape." He continued.

"No, I'm not. I'll be a saint." (Y/n) said pleadingly, she didn't want to give herself away so early and have them not take her out.

Leo smiled softly and ruffled her hair. "I can see through you, (Y/n)."

"If you were to try and tell some-someone or run away then people m-may get hurt, flower. We're not go-going to give you up." Atlas threatened.

(Y/n) looked from him back to Leo who said nothing to protest those words. She was horrified at what they were implying.

"I won't run..." She said meekly while patting her hair down to its original position.

Atlas smiled and hugged her while (Y/n) was just processing that he'd truly just threatened to kill someone. At least she thought he had - was it wishful thinking to assume that maybe hurting them wouldn't entail death? It quite possibly was.

She found herself thinking that Atlas surely wouldn't harm his own family but then again... It wasn't as if (Y/n) could predict his actions anymore.

"Wonderful, I r-reeeaally hope you don't."

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now