Chapter 7

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M i r a c l e

"You needed me?" I closed the folder I was reading and looked up to see Rickey stepping into my office. "Yeah I did, take a seat." He chuckled and shook his head. "You sound just like your father." He sat down in the seat across from me and rested his foot on his knee. "Alright, lay it on me boss." I chuckled.

"Well as you know, Im on the Tremaine and DeShawn assignment, and I had a few questions for you, just becuase I think you could possibly have the answers. He nodded. "Okay, wassup?"

"Do you know anything about Tremaine's father? His name is Calvin Maxwell, does that ring a bell?" He shook his head no. "Nope, I actually never heard of him or his sons, why is something wrong?" I shook my head.

"No, I went to this investor's ball the other night with Tremaine, and he introduced me to his father Calvin." He nodded, motioning for me to continue. "When he shook my hand, he ran his finger across my ring, and asked me where I got it from." Rickey frowned and sat up straight in his seat. "And what did you say?"

"I told him I wasn't sure because it was my father's, so then he said my father must have had good taste." He lifted a brow. "But he didn't recognize it right?" I shook my head. "I don't think so, he just gave me a compliment, but I had to make sure you or my father didn't know him."

He shook his head. "No, I never heard of no one named Calvin in all those years I worked with your father." I sighed and nodded. "Okay, good."

"But." He started. "Even though I don't think you should stress it to much, Im glad your being cautious, how's the assignment going so far?" I nodded.

"Fairly well, Im trying to be as lowkey was possible right now since we've just got acquainted." He nodded. "Smart girl, exactly why I put you on this task, your the only one I trust enough to pull it off."

I smirked. "Thanks Rick." He stood up from the seat and walked over to the door. "If you need anything from me regarding that case, you know Im only a holler away." I smiled and nodded. "I know."

"Alright, I gotta get downstairs to the girls and see what they've came up with so far." I nodded. "Okay, I'll see you later tonight then, don't forget it's game night at my house." He chuckled. "Oh right, I gotta bring the salsa right?"

I nodded my head yes. "Yeah, and don't forget like you did last time." He threw his hands up in defense. "Ight I won't."

Once he left the room, my phone began to ring in my purse. I reached my hand into it and pulled out my vibrating phone. Once I seen Tremaine calling I smirked, already knowing it was him.

ME: "Hello?"

TREMAINE: "Hey beautiful."

ME: "Hi, how are you?"

TREMAINE: "Im great, still on a high from seeing you the other night."

I slightly chuckled.

ME: "Right, you called for something?"

TREMAINE: "Yeah, you have any plans tommorow afternoon?"

ME: "Not that I know of."

TREMAINE: "Would you like to have some plans?"

ME: "It depends, what are you trying to get me to do?"

He laughed.

TREMAINE: "My family's having a barbeque tommorow, we always have a few days after the investor ball to celebrate the money we made, I wanted to know if you wanted to come by?"

I lifted a brow.

ME: "Come by where?"

TREMAINE: "My dad's house, that's where we're having it."

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