Chapter 9

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M i r a c l e

I pushed my shades closer to my face as I pulled into Calvin's driveway. Since he insisted that he would give me a gift for helping him out with Nia,

I plastered a smile on my face once I seen him standing on the small steps, waiting for me. I parked infront of the door before grabbing my purse and stepping out of the car.

"Im glad you made it safely, I thought for a second there that you weren't gunna show." I flatned out my pencil skirt as I pulled my bag up on my arm. "Oh Im sorry, I got caught up at work and I got a few minutes behind." I pushed the thought of Jarod trying to have a quickie with me in my car before I left to the back of my mind.

"It happens to all of us." He said in a chuckle. "Come in." He turned around and walked inside the house, and I followed suit.

"Let me run upstairs and grab your present, I'll be right back." I nodded as I watched him sprint up the stairs to his bedroom. I took a long sigh, just wanting to leave here. Not only did I feel awkward as hell accepting a gift for the setup I made, but I also felt uncomfortable being here with Calvin alone, atleast it was somewhat better with Tremaine around.

I pulled my purse off of my arm and sat it down in my lap. I reached my hand inside about to grab my phone when I froze in place. "Oh shit." I mumbled. I slowly pulled my hand out of my bag, causing a few hundred dollar bills to fall on the ground.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" I whisper-yelled. I frantically started to pick up the money that I stole from the safe and stuff it back into my purse before Calvin came from upstairs. "Here we are Miracle, I found it." I heard him say from upstairs.

I quickly stuffed all the money down in my purse, hating myself for not banding it like I should have. I pulled it back up on my shoulder, holding it as close as I could to myself, as I heard Calvin's footsteps get closer.

I was suppose to be dropping this money off after work, but got side tracked by Calvin. I sat up straight on the couch and waited for his face to appear.

"Alright, here you go." I clutched my purse tightly under my shoulder, trying to keep it closed. He sat beside me on the couch and handed me a small bag. "This is my way of saying thank you, from me and Tremaine." I lifted a brow as I took the bag from him.

"Tremaine did this too?" He chuckled. "Well it was mostly me, but I thought it would be the gentlemen thing to do to say it was from the both of us." I cracked a small smile as I held onto the small bag.

"Well thank you so much Calvin." I pulled my purse strap up on my shoulder as I stood up from the couch. "Your not gunna open it here?" He asked with a smile. "Go on ahead and open it, I picked this out special for you."

I cleared my throat and sat back down on the couch. Calvin leaned back, waiting for me to open his gift up. I carefully opened the bag and peeked inside to see a box inside. I reached my hand inside and pulled out the box.

I looked over at Calvin, who was slightly smirking. I opened up the box and put a smile on my once I seen the necklace sitting there. He took the necklace out of the box and handed it to me. "Do you like it?"

I nodded. "Yes, yeah, it's very beautiful." He smiled. "I thought you would, it matches your ring." I looked down at my father's ring and then looked back up at the necklace.

"....Oh does, thank you." He nodded as he unhooked the necklace. "May I?" He asked, motioning to my neck. I slowly turned around, moving my hair out of the way as he placed the necklace around my neck and hooked it.

I didn't know why, but being this close to Calvin made me feel extremely uncomfortable. It was something about him that gave me a weird vibe, I wasn't sure what it was, but I was aware of how he made me feel.

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