Chapter 4

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It's been four months since the pack expanded drastically allowing there to be more help for extensions as well as helping with security, everyone settled well and there was little incident. The only complaints he got was that the lake was cold making him laugh.

Today it was a pack meeting as an unknown pack is heading towards this area at a fast pace so they had to be quick with the meeting.

So all the alphas and betas rushed over and got their orders.

"I want you to keep an eye out for that other pack. Do not let them in if they cause an issue. The perimeter needs to be protected. Head out and look for them make sure you are in groups of three for a safer stake out!!!" hongjoong yelled and everyone moved out.

Hongjoong, mingi and Eden the advisor headed out quickly and joined the others.

The omegas headed to the safe House with the children. They stayed there until it was cleared.

Pov switch

A black wolf was running towards the pack territory he was breathing heavily, he was covered in bite marks and scratches. He kept running until he came to a large fence he whined before turning around.

The pursuers came closer and attacked. They bite him scratched him and tugged at him. Only to be attacked by a large group of wolves.

"get out of my territory" a small blonde wolf said, the enemy pack just scoffed and laughed until three large alphas attacked, one was a reddish brown wolf who led them.

"get lost" the small wolf said again causing the enemy pack to leave. In fear.

The small wolf turned to him as he sent a small group if wolves to make sure they leave the territory boundaries.

"get up pup" he ordered making the scratched up wolf quiver before standing.
"what's your name?" the wolf asked

"jongho" the scratched up wolf spoke. Hongjoong nodded.

"I'm hongjoong and that's mingi" the small wolf said and jongho nodded.

"follow us I'll take you to the hospital were you will be tended to" hongjoong spoke before he started walking.

They walked for about a mile before arriving at the gate.
"sorry for the long walk but one gate entry helps stop any criminals escaping." mingi said and jongho shook his head before hissing at the sores.

They saw walked a little longer to the hospital before mingi and hongjoong changed.

"stay in wolf form it'll be easier to heal you." hongjoong said and jongho happily agreed.

The doctors rushed forward and led jongho to a room for surgery.

Six hours later all his injuries were healed and he was passed out from the anaesthesia.

"when he's ready to leave send him to me I need to check he's good enough to stay or if he wants he can leave, I'll await your call" hongjoong stated to the receptionist who nodded eagerly and jotted it down.

Hongjoong and mingi left before ringing the bell allowing lives to return to normal.
The omegas returned to their homes.

Seonghwa made his way back and settled into cooking for his family.
After they ate everyone headed to bed too tired from today's chaos.

Three days passed and the phone went, seonghwa answered it.
"hello?" he asked
"oh luna! Hello its the hospital the leader told us to call when jongho is healthy enough to leave. We are sending him your way please tell leader, I hope you have a great day" the receptionist asked and hung up.

'luna?' seonghwa thought confused, his eyebrows creased and he grew a frown.
'I'm not the luna, I'm not mated to anyone so what are they talking about?' seonghwa thought before sighing and placing the phone down and heading up to the office to tell hongjoong.

"hongjoong? I just got a call someone called jongho is getting sent up here I thought you should know" seonghwa yelled through the door.

The door was opened a second later showing a grinning hongjoong.
"thanks seonghwa your a great help I need you to meet him with me, he's still only a pup, he looked around age 16. He may need a motherly figure to be comfortable to talk with me" hongjoong said and seonghwa simply nodded and smiled back.

"sure. Also the receptionist called me luna why am I called that when I'm not mated to anyone in this household." seonghwa asked. Hongjoong froze and blushed, by now everyone knew of his little crush on seonghwa except seonghwa himself.

"err since you were the first omega here everyone agreed to call you luna since you were so kind to them, they also love that your in charge of the food quality and things like that." hongjoong examined not telling the full truth. Seonghwa just grinned and nodded.

" oh hongjoong can I get a job at the nursery, I miss having children younger than ten besides me maybe it'll help my trauma. " seonghwa said sadly and hongjoong shot a small smile his way.

"of course you can start whenever and take whatever days off." hongjoong said and seonghwa nodded and thanked him, with his ew found happiness he was eager to meet this young pup.

They walked down the stairs and walked to the door, opening it to see a taxi heading towards them and stopping in front of them. The hospital paid for the taxi for him and explained the importance.

Once the car stopped in front of the two the door was opened and out came jongho who was nervously fidgeting.

He walked towards the two and stopped in front of them.
He bowed in greeting before Brigged inside.
Hongjoong looked in seonghwas direction and motioned with his ebad to calm down the kid.

Seonghwa rushed forward and instantly calmed the male down.
"so jongho can I ask why you were being attacked by that pack?" hongjoong asked and jongho nodded.
"I went into their territory to hunt because they had no walls like you do, as I was chasing the deer the pack alpha attacked me and chased me this way, I didn't know there was a pack here and I don't think they did either.

I was attacked multiple times along the way and then they went worse by your fences, thank you for saving me" jongho explained and thanked.

"very well, you can stay here or you can move on its up to you, everyone here are rescued by our company KQ" hongjoong said and jonghos face lit up

"I can stay?!" jongho yelled and seonghwa nodded.

"of course everyone's welcome as long as they aren't a criminal or cause trouble." seonghwa said, hongjoong smiled at the sight before clearing his throat. "since your young you can stay in the pack house, we don't have any families available to Foster you so we will. There's three other who live here. Another alpha, and two more omegas" hongjoong explained. Jongho nodded before smiling and hugging the two.

"thank you so much" jongho said and they went into the house spotting the other three playing chase and mingi was loosing.

Jongho couldn't stop stating at Yeosang. Seonghwa grinned before tapping the younger shoulder. Seonghwa tapped his nose causing jongho to blush and turn away.

Soon enough jongho got introduced and welcomed and seonghwa took jongho into his bedroom to talk.

"I saw you staring at Yeosang, do you like him?" seonghwa asked with a grin.

Jongho just nodded.
"three months, I'll give you three months to impress me and if your after him for only his face expect to be in hell" seonghwa threatened jongho just nodded and thanked him.

"well besides that thifs is your room do whatever you want to it but if I find it a mess I will castrate you, messes beyond acceptable will have a punishment. Enjoy your stay jongho ill see you later for dinner" seonghwa said waving before leaving and heading to the living room.

He hummed a tune as he watched his pups play, yes he has officially adopted them.

He grinned as he saw them having so much fun. He was happy, he has a good family for now though he wanted to save as many pups as possible.

Their stories were just refreshing, they were starting a new and were eager to live in the best way.

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