Chapter 2

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~2 months later

Third person's Pov

For the past months, Jimin was busy, filming and practicing for their upcoming comeback for this month. Within those months something strange was happening to Jimin's personality that the members noticed.


"Hyung" Jimin approached his Namjoon Hyung who was busy composing a song for their upcoming comeback

"Yes what is it Jiminie?" his Hyung asked him

"Can you help me on how to be confident?" He asked shyly

"Wait" he turned off the music and looked at Jimin surprisingly "what did you say again? It seems I heard it wrong"

"No Hyung, you heard it right. I want to learn it" he said eagerly

"Ok I will help you but Jimin all I can do is to give you some advice and you're just going to apply it to your daily basis. You're the one who's going to do most of the work."

"Ok I get it Hyung" he agreed

"And the first thing you need is to love yourself, your flaws."


Yes. Jimin has changed. The Jimin who used to have low self-esteem and distrusts himself, the Jimin who overworks himself and has big insecurities in his own self is no longer in him. The new him has become more confident, not minding what people will say, and has been more positive. His members were happy to see him changing into a better person they were happier when they saw Jimin no longer overwork himself and eat more. Loving yourself was always the first step to gain confidence.

At the moment Jimin was in the park, it has been long since the last time he went there but nothing has changed except for the trees that used to be pink but now it's all green. He walked around the park hoping that he'll meet the two again, umbrella girl and swan girl. After almost half an hour of roaming around, he got tired and decided to sit on a vacant bench. He looked around admiring the beauty of the park, the park that has been his escape from the cruel world. He was lost in his own thoughts again

"Hey" he was caught off-guard when someone tapped his shoulders he looked behind him it was umbrella girl.

She's pretty he thought

Can I sit beside you? She asked him he just nodded

"Were you busy with your work? I've been coming here since that day I saw you. I was hoping that someday, we're going to cross our path again." She said while looking nowhere, Jimin just looked at her with a surprised face.

Did she wait for me? Does she want to see me? He smiled with his own thought. He is dying inside.

"I know this is so sudden, we just met twice and of course you're an idol, you're Park Jimin. But for my sister, I will do everything. I can pay you if you want" she said without breaking her eye contact with him.

"What is it?" He asked

"Well, Minjoo is dying. My sister has Myeloid Bone Marrow cancer. It took me so long to see you and talk to you, I'm asking for a favor from you, she likes you so much, she really does. Her wish was to see you, she wanted to see you and tell you how much she was thankful to you that she achieved her goal because you told her to believe in herself. She was mad when we told her that it was you who accompany her that time, she hates herself for not even recognizing your voice. She has only 2 more weeks or less but I'm still hoping she lives mo-more" her voice started to crack Jimin could tell that she was about to cry, but also she was preventing it to happen. Without even thinking he hugged her.

"You can cry, I won't judge. It's alright to cry I know it hurts so go on let yourself out" with that she started to sob in between his hug.

"I-I Don't wa-want her to di-ie. I-i can't li-live witho-out her, I-I lo-love m-my li-little s-sister so mu-much. If o-only I-I ca-can get-t t-those i-illness f-from he-her, I-I eve-en a-asked hi-im that why it should be my sister to suffer? It hurts me s-so much e-every time I see her cryi-ing and b-begging for her to live more. It really hurts" she said in between her sobs.

"It's ok, everything's going to be ok he caresses her back." He just let her cry after a while she broke the hug and wipe off the tears she had.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked

"My hearts feel lighter but it still hurts," she said "Jimin, thank you and she looked at his shirt that was wet from her tears ohmygad I'm sorry for wetting your shirt I'm really sorry, we just met twice but I cried already in front of you that was really stupid of me I'm re--"

"No it's fine, don't be sorry. I'm actually happy that you let out those sorrows you have" Jimin said while looking at her.

"Thank you so much but to be honest I feel much better than earlier" she looked at him

"See? If ever you have problems again just let it out. Cry if you want or shout if you want because if you keep that within yourself it will be hard" he said while looking around "anyway, back to your favor, I would love to do it, I can bring the other members to."

"Really? Thank you so much she would really love that. She's currently in Seoul Doctor's Hospital room 304" she said happily

"Ok maybe we can visit by tomorrow"

"Oh really? Thank you so much I appreciate it so much" she stands up and bows down a little then pat his head. "Well, nice meeting you again Jimin-ssi. I'll get going she needs me now, see you tomorrow I guess?" She said

"Yeah see you tomorrow" Jimin smiled but before she walks furthermore he grabs her hand and asked

"I forgot to ask your name"

"Silly me I forgot to introduce myself, Minjee. I'm Kim Minjee" she smiled

"Nice meeting you, Minjee bye" he waved while Minjee started to walk. He just watched her until she's gone.

He was very happy because he never thought they would really meet again but somehow he feels sad after hearing that one of their army was sick, terribly sick.

Maybe that was the reason she broke out after her fall he thought. He gets his phone out from his pocket and calling someone soon after a few rings the person who he was calling answered

"Hyung, I have something to tell you that we needed to do"


You may wonder why Jimin hugged Minjee even they're in a public place, only a few people go to the park and most are elders. That's why the park is Jimin's escape from this cruel world.

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