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Jimin's Pov

"What are you thinking?" I looked at her and smiled

"Reminiscing the past" I answered

"hmm it has been 3 years love but the pain is still here but I'm glad I already moved on from it" she smiled at me

Yes, It has been exactly three years since Minjoo left us. Most of us were broke at that time especially Jungkook, he cried all night still can't believe that his friend is no longer with us anymore. Our hyungs were saddened after hearing Minjoo's death.

"Love thank you for staying by my side," she said while holding my hand

"No, thank you for coming into my life"


"Minjee, you should eat please, look at yourself, you're getting thinner"

"I have no appetite to eat," she said while still laying on her bed she's been like this since the last day of the funeral.

"Do you think Minjoo will be Happy seeing you like this?" I asked her

"I don't care Jimin" she faces me "I want to die, I want to be with her" her tears drop slowly its breaking me to see her like this. I hugged her she's pushing me away but no I won't let go of her

"Let go of me please" she pleaded

"No, Minjee I'll help you to move on. I'll be by your side, I won't leave you"


Yes, I never left her even I had a tight schedule I always make way to talk to her, and now, she had moved on. If you're wondering if we're a couple, yes we are a couple for a year and still counting. We were lucky that most of my fans accepted our relationship and still support me. BTS? Well, not to be boastful but we are famous worldwide, we've been to a lot of American shows we even went to BBMA's again and also grammy's we even performed there and of course we had a lot of concerts outside the country. We've achieved a lot and received a lot of awards and recognitions thanks a lot to our army's who's been there for us since the beginning.

"Love, your spacing out again," she said a little annoyed

"Sorry love, I'm just happy that you're mine"

"huh? Jimin of BTS is getting cheesier day by day army's would love to see this side of you"

"I'm cheesier to them too but I'm more cheesier to the love of my life" she just laughed at me

"Anyway, back to my question that you didn't even hear, does the others will go there too?"

"Yes,of course, All of us will visit her. Its her 3rd death anniversary and for sure she misses us after a year of not visiting her actually they've already arrived there"


We're currently on our way to visit Minjoo, we've never been able to visit her since the day we've become official because of our busy schedule. I and the boys are busy with our touring while Minjee's busy with her work, I'm proud to say she's a doctor now not an intern anymore. I looked at Minjee she fell asleep, I looked at her features she has small eyes like me but she has small lips, her nose is pointed like tae's and her cheeks is a little pinkish which is natural because of her pale skin color. I'm lucky to have the best and beautiful girlfriend in the world.

"Mr. Jimin we're here," Jay said (he's the man who's wearing a black suit in the first chapter)

I didn't even notice we already arrived at our destination the cemetery where Minjoo's body was buried.

"Love, wake up, we're here" I poked her cheeks countless times until finally,she opened her eyes

"We've arrived my baby" she rubbed her eyes and squint it a little looking outside

"Let's go?" I offered my hand, she nodded and hold my hand.

When we arrived where the others are, they immediately scold us for being late

"We've been here for an hour" Jin hyung complained

"I even asked Minjoo to haunt you too," Suga hyung said jokingly

"We were bored and hungry" Taehyung complained

"Sorry guys, I will treat you meal guys to my new favorite restaurant as a payment for waiting for us" Minjee smiled

"It's alright Minjee, no need to treat us" Namjoon hyung declining her offer

"No, I insist"

"Ok if you insist make sure the food tastes as good as me" we all laughed at Jin hyung's silliness after a while we, me, and Minjee Greeted Minjoo.

"Hi my baby sister, How are you doing up there? I'm sorry for not being able to visit you I was too busy with work. I missed you, baby sis. I love you"

"Hi Soon to be sister-in-law," I Joked earning a glare from my girlfriend "how's life there? Did you make a lot of friends there? Do you dance often there? We missed you so much, hope you're fine there. And Minjoo I want to let you know me and your unnie are officially together after 5 months of courting her, we've been together since last year, we weren't able to let you know because of our busy schedule so sorry for that but I'm happy that your unnie is mine now" I smiled

"Hyungs remember what Minjoo said the first time we visited her?" Jungkook asked us

"Of course that was hilarious" Jhope laughingly said


"Jimin oppa Thank you for encouraging me and inspiring me to achieve my goal but you know what oppa? The main reason I want to see you is for me to introduce you to my unnie, because I believe you both look good with each other"

"Yah Minjoo" Minjee hide her face from embarrassment and I couldn't hide my smile. The reason for the room to be noisy because of teasing.


"They were in denial to their feelings back then" Namjoon hyung teased

"Yes, but it was obvious they liked each other" Jin hyung added

"Hey stop it" Minjee stopping them but got more embarrassed when Jungkook pointed her reddish face

"Look at noona, She's blushing"

"Hey what about Jiminie he keeps on smiling" Taehyung nudge Jungkook and with that they start to tease us again.

"Hey love don't mind them, I said to her while kissing her forehead

"Hey no PDA's Infront of us" Suga hyung complained we both just laughed at their reactions.

I'm grateful to have them in my life, they're my source of happiness and strength. And also I'm thankful to Minjoo just because of her wish I've got the chance to meet the love of my life and spend her the rest of my life, Minjoo thank you.

"Hey love" I looked at her and smiled "let's get going now, I'm a little bit hungry" I nodded and hold her as we walk out of the cemetery.


This is the end of my first ever story hope you enjoyed reading it. Lovelots co-army's.

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