• 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖮2

22 2 0

week 3

"hey- bill, did you get the bandages?" eddie called from another isle in the pharmacy. "uh- y-yeah. sh-sh-sh-should i g-get some p-p-pills as wel-ll?" bill called back to the shorter boy. "no don't worry about it, i'm on it."

the boys in the pharmacy were wearing layers of close to act like bullet proof vests. they wore scarves and bandanas around their mouth nose while outside to prevent from making too much noise.

bill approached eddie with everything he was ordered to get. "okay great- yeah that's everything, we can head back now." bill nodded in agreement with eddie, following him out of the pharmacy while covering his face with his scarf.

none of them expected it but eddie was great as a leader, it's not that he was but he was actually really good at handing out orders and keeping things in control.

the two boys were greeted with mike outside who nodded at them once he saw them. he was wearing somewhat  the same things they were but lighter, he was the strongest out of the group and was trusted to protect who ever had to go out and gather supplies.

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day 1

"is it just me or does the air feel really humid as well?" mike commented softly. "that's because it's summer idiot." eddie told mike, only to get told "no- eddie, it's actually quite cold. mike has a point." by ben. the seven of them looked at each other with worried looks, they all first thought that they were being irrational but in the back of each of their heads, there was a voice telling then that they were right.

richie, eddie, bev and mike dried themselves before putting their clothes back on. everyone took a towel and put it around their face because they couldn't bare the smell. they finally got out onto a main road only to see that it was empty, no cars, no people, no animals, even the street lights were out. "what the hell-" beverly commented under her breath as she observed the sight before her. "wh-where is e-e-everyone?" bill asked the group. no one dared to answer him.


all of the losers were at home at this point but they were all home alone, they didn't know that though. some of them were used to it but to others- it added to the creepy feeling that their town had turned into a ghost town.

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day 2

richie woke up to a pounding noise at his front door, it startled him at first but got up and answered it. it was bev, she let herself in. "bev- wha-" "go get dressed, trashmouth. we're going to bill's." richie compiled straight away, he raced to his room and threw on a pair of jeans and a faded black tee.

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day 2

beverly had gathered up all of the losers. "hey, beaverly- wanna tell us why we're here?"

the streets were still empty and there wasn't any action at all. none of them wanted to talk about it.

"don't you think it's weird?" beverly questioned the group in a frustrated tone. the rest of them looked at her with confused expressions. "eddie- your mom is always home, right?" eddie looked at her and then the rest of the losers before nodding rapidly at her question, confused as to what she was getting at. "but do you know where she was last night?" beverly took a step towards him. eddie shook his head more softly this time. "right- right, and stanley-" she looked over at the curly haired jewish boy who looked confused out of his mind. "where were your parents?" stanley looked at the group and back at her. "i-i-i don't know...?" he answered uneasily. "exactly!" the red haired girl exclaimed. "none of our parents were home last night, no one was out last night..." beverly trailed off as she started to pace around slowly, obviously trying to think of something. "what a-a-are you s-s-s-saying b-bev?" bill questioned. "i'm saying that it's weird that no one is around except for us." beverly answered in a matter of fact way. "you don't know that- there could be people near the school, or even the church. we haven't been looking anywhere." stan pointed out, hoping to grasp onto some sort of reality. "yeah stan has a point bev." mike agreed. "maybe the town was evacuated." eddie splurted out. beverly gave him a confused look, soon enough so did everyone else. "what i' just saying-" "no that's completely stupid." stanley cut him off. "yeah i'm gonna have to agree with stanley, sorry eddie." mike said in a soft tone.

the losers finally decided to walk around town and see what was going on, the air was still the same, thick and humid but the temperature was cold. they couldn't find any signs of evacuation but what they did find scared them their core.

"no, i was just saying that mayb-" beverly let out an ear piercing scream before richie could finish his sentence. "what- what's wro- oh my god!" mike yelled as he turned around to see what beverly had screamed at. it was disgusting, it looked like a zombie in those movies they would watch all of the time. eddie turned around to see what the commotion was and instantly fainted. "eddie!" richie screamed. he picked him up and cradled him in his arms while the others tried their best to fix the situation. mike looked to the ground to see a long enough branch to fight with. bill also grabbed a branch and so the two of them began to fight it off. it wasn't that strong as it was knocked to the ground instantly where mike shoved the stick right through it's chest and made everyone gasp and jump back. everyone was panting heavily, trying to make sense of the situation in their heads.

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