A Cold Summer Day

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Kyle's POV

My head faced towards the sky, as my arms pulled me towards the surface.

My legs push me further. my lungs needed air, I was almost there, ready to give myself some much needed oxygen.

As I surfaced the cold air hit my flesh, causing goosebumps to almost instantly scatter across my skin.

I shivered away the displeasing feeling, and pulled myself up the edge of the pool

Once I was out, I went to grab the towel i'd left on the outside table without looking, only to find that someone had taken it.

i looked around a bit, but once i heard a set of giggles i knew who it was

"Ava?" i said , making sure to add a slight tease to the tone "you know I love you right?"

all i received was silence, her actions were cute but it was really cold outside.

"give me my towel or suffer the consequences!" all i heard was laughter as she ran away into inside

it was really cold so i didn't hesitate to race after the beautiful girl i called my sister

as i ran in i almost collided into my other sister

"whoa watch where you're going, you don't want to accidentally ruin my perfect face" she laughed out

"Lilly, have you seen Ava? I asked, ignoring her egotistical statement.

"Apologize and then maybe i might tell you" she stated with a smirk

I let out a huff of annoyance, i thought to myself for a second and then realised, i could just go get a new towel.

Then again that wouldn't be very fun, it'd ruin the game me and Ava were having, and god knows id do anything to make her happy.

So i decided to suck it up and say sorry

"Lady Lilly, i'm deeply sorry for the potential collision we could of had" i said with a very crappy british accent.

"Your such a dork, and that's why Lady Lilly will not be telling you the whereabouts of Ava and your precious towel" she said with a smug look on her face

I let out a sigh of annoyance,"guess i'll have to find her by myself"

I walked further into the place I called home, and realised just how hard it would be to find her.

This place was what you would call huge, but it was necessary for its bigness, with seven sisters.

I continued my journey through the kitchen, making sure to look around to see if Ava was hiding anywhere

As i searched further and deeper into my house i found myself near my room, i noticed the door had been opened and also heard the humming of Ava.

Her humming was soft and calming, and i found myself appreciating the moment.

I slowly snuck forwards to the entrance of my room, and as i did i got a glimpse of Ava's colourful rainbow light up sneakers from under my bed.

"hmm, i wonder where the cheeky little monkey could have gone?" i said in a questioning tone as i entered further into the place i spent most of my time.

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