Recrutment Part One

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                       *I do not own PJO or HOo*
                                    *Third person*
It was an unusually calm evening at Camp Half-Blood, monsters had not been spotted outside the camp for a while and there was a capture the flag game coming up. Annabeth was teaching sword fighting class to the twelve-year-olds with Percy. "Good, Good. But you guys need to work on your stance. With a poor stance, you can be easily knocked over." She told her class. Just as she was about to teach them a new form she heard the familiar sound of a conch horn blowing in the distance. "Class dismissed." Annabeth said to her students as they walked toward the dining pavilion. She just couldn't be happier, they had defeated Gaia, she and Percy where dating again, life just couldn't be better. "Well, it looks like that's dinner Wise girl." Percy said caping Riptide. "Yeah, I guess so, see you at the dining pavilion seaweed brain." she responded.

Dinner was uneventful, she got her food, threw a piece of her food in the fire for her mom, and sat down with her siblings at Athena table. After everyone was finished eating they announced teams. The red team was Ares, Hades, Aphrodite, Hecate, Hypnos, Zeus, Hebe, and Nemesis, with Athena leading. The blue team was Poseidon, Apollo, Hermes, Nike, Demeter, Dionysus, Tyche, and Iris, with Hephaestus leading

After Percy saw the list he said to Annabeth " You are going down wise girl!" to which she chuckled and replied," Not if I take you down first!". After going to the armory they got dressed in their respective team's armor. Annabeth could not wait to kick Percy's butt in capture the flag for the twentieth time this summer. After everyone was ready to go they saw Rachel Elizabeth Dare walking past the Armory. "Hey R.E.D, what's up?" Percy said "Oh nothing, " she replied, " it just gets boring in my cave sometimes. Even though she and Percy were dating and Rachel was the oracle and thus could not date, she always felt a small pang of jealousy whenever Rachel and Percy talked. As she got lost in her thoughts she saw a green mist surrounding Rachel's feet, then Rachel's eyes closed. When they opened they were green, glowing orbs. Emerald smoke came out of her mouth and with a raspy, ancient voice said,

              "The past is broken, the future is in danger, go to the gods, and never waver, if you should fail, then all will be lost, you must stop what is coming, no matter the cost." 

After she spoke the last word Rachel collapsed and some Apollo kids helped her up. After a few minutes, she saw Chiron come toward her and Percy, he had a grim look on his face. Needless to say, that wasn't a very good sign. "Chiron, do you have an idea of what Rachel's prophecy means?" Percy asked. "Sadly, I do not," Chiron replied. "So, does that mean no capture the flag?" they heard Clarisse's disappointed voice say.  this infuriated Annabeth,
"Rachel just told us the last is broken and all will be lost if we don't fix it and you're more worried about a game!". "Calm down wise girl, it's not your fault she doesn't have her priority in order, so Chiron, what do we do?". "The only thing we can do, " Chiron replied, "Gather the rest of the seven and go to Olympus."

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