Recrutment part Three

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                        *I don't own POJ or HOo*
*Third person*
Thank Zeus for Athena. That was the thought on all of the Seven's minds, if it weren't for her Ares would have probably blasted them all to bits. She was leading them down a hallway and then she opened a door. The door led to a spacious room with a loom in the middle of it. The thing is, a great tapestry was being woven on the loom even though no one at the loom, an invisible force was weaving the great tapestry.

Then Percy looked up and he realized the room had no roof. "Woah, what the freak is this room?" Leo blurted out, voicing everyone's thoughts. "This my young demigods is the tapestry room, it records every pivotal demigod, moment, and god in all of Greek history, and it is my duty to oversee it.". "But, how...." Annabeth stuttered, "The tapestry is beautiful, Mom.". "But why bring us here.. m'lady?" Hazel said. Then as if to answer her question a old style lyft came down. "Come on, hop in." She said, obviously they complied "The death of Icarus please." Athena said with an unsettlingly cheerful tone. After she said that, nothing happened, "Oh for the sake of everything holy! I mean The death of Daedalus." And with that the Lyft moved. After a while, it stoped, and when they looked at the wall tapestry they saw the image of Daedalus with wings falling into the sea while a smaller figure (presumably Icarus) was flying with wings.

"But this is all wrong!" Annabeth said, "Icarus was the one that fell into the ocean.". "I know, this is why us gods need your help. To put it simply so all of the sea spawn here can understand-" "Hey!" "The Myths are changing.". "What... how!" Said the befuddled voice of Frank. "Well, we don't know." Athena replied. "So that's what the Oracle meant by time is broken. What does this halve yo yo with us?" Annabeth said. "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out." Athena said "You want us to fix the myths." Annabeth deduced. "Woah, woah, woah, stop right there, you want us to go through time and fix myths? How are we suppose to, oh I don't know, do that!" Leo blurted out. "It's simple demigod, we will gift the Argo ll with the ability to travel through time.". "Look lady," Leo said recovering from laughing his head off," I don't know what's in that nectar they have here but the Argo II is gone, courtesy of lord lightning beard.". "You are mistaken Leo Veldez, we can recreate it, it will act and function as the original."

Leo, for the first time in forever looked speechless. "So young demigods, do you accept the quest?". The seven spent several minutes in discussion before finally coming to a verdict. "Ok, "everyone said. It took a minute for everyone to heat out of the tapestry room, but after Athena delivered the verdict they remade the ship. "Awesome!" Leo said as he was walking through the replica of the Argo ll (or the Argo ll 2.0 as they called it). All that was left was the god of time, Chronos to bless their ship and they would be on their way. It was the beginning of a new era for all of them.
                             Authors note
Hope you like it! Feedback would be very appreciated, see you next week!
                                           Xoxo, HeraQueenofgods7

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