Crashing Parties, Busting Heads

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*I do not own PJO or HOo*

*Third person*

Percy couldn't believe they where going to a dinner party, and not just any dinner party, Theseus's

dinner party. The thought of saving that guy made him want to puke. Annabeth could obviously tell that Percy was not very excited about the mission."Are you ok Seaweed brain?" She asked."Yeah, I'm fine." Percy said. Pretty much all they could do was get ready for the mission. He looked in his closet and it was filled to the brim with togas, achitons,and modern clothes and much more. After a while, Percy settled on a blue chlamys and left his room to meet the others. After waiting for a while Annabeth finally came out of her cabin. When Percy saw her, his jaw dropped, She came out in a dark purple peplos that really complimented her beautiful gray eyes and the grey streak in her hair. "You might want to close your mouth seaweed brain, your drooling." She said giggling. "Oh.He said blushing like crazy. ."Sooo.." Leo said, trying to make the situation less awkward, "are we gonna crash this party or what?".

Thank the gods for Aphrodite, she gave all of the boys cloths that marked them as noblemen, so entrance to the party was easy. The hard part was trying to talk to Theseus."For being In Ancient Greece that guy sure has a lot of bodyguards." Leo remarked. "Yeah, but we need to be on the lookout for monsters, everyone got their weapons?" Jason asked. Everyone nodded in reply. At the beginning the dinner was uneventful, that was until their came a knock at the door.when the door was opened It reveled the faces of Kelli, Tammi, and another Empousa he didn't recognize came into his veiw. "Umm, guys..." Percy said, " I think I figured out who the monster is, Kelli and her gang are here.". "Boys be careful," Piper added, "They can charmspeak." .

Being in the same room as the Empousa was like waiting for a bomb to go off, they knew that the Empousa would make their move soon. It didn't take long for the Kelli to recognize Percy, she looked into his sea green eyes and a look of pure rage crossed her face, she lunged at him. Thankfully, Percy was faster, the scene played out in a blink of an eye, in no time at all, Kelli was reduced to dust. Once their leader was vanquished, the two remaining Empousa howled in rage and attacked. In no time flat people where running away screaming and Piper and Annabeth where surrounded by piles of dust holding their respective weapons. Other then the seven, the only person left In the dining room was Theseus, he had a look of shock and surprise on his face.

"What in the name of Zeus just happened?" Theseus said. "Nothing happened. everything is fine. You never saw us." Piper replied, weaving charmspeak into her words. "Nothing happened. Everything is fine. I never saw you." he repeated. Pipers charmspeak was even more powerful now then it had been when they dought the giants, all of them almost felt inclined to repeat as well. Thankfully they snapped back to reality In time to leave before the authority's arrived. When they did get back the question on everybody's mind was clear, what was next?

Authors note
Thank you for reading another chapter of my story. As always, comments are appreciated. I hope you enjoyed my story.
Xoxo HeraQueenofgods7

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