Chapter 1

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'Are you ready Sam?'


I rolled my eyes. Great. Another half hour. We had been planning our trip to the beach for ages. Sam, Maria, Nessa, and I hadn't had a break for ages, this was the only weekend we'd had free for ages.

The four of us shared a small flat in the centre, and we had known each other since forever. We were all at university, all studying different things. Sharing a flat was chaotic, and stressful, especially in exam period, but we managed somehow.

The previous Friday, we had finished our exams, and classes were officially out for the summer. To celebrate, we had decided to go to the beach, something we all loved doing, but hadn't done for weeks.

I poked my head round the bathroom door.

'What in god's name are you doing Sam?' Sam glared at me.

'What does it look like I'm doing?' the bathroom was a mess. Sam had littered the floor with bottles of various different kinds, and was now bent over, rummaging through Nessa's drawer.

'Honestly,' I said, picking up a bottle of hand cream, 'I have no clue.' Sam straightened up with a groan.

'I'm looking for my tanning oil. You haven't seen it, have you?'

'Sam,' I pinched the bridge of my nose. 'We're going to the beach. That's a place where you lie in the sun, and get a tan. So you don't need to put fake tan on.'

'Look how pale I am! I can't go to the beach like this!'

I threw my hands up in the air. 'Well buy some on the way, but if you're not ready in the next five minutes, we're leaving without you.'

'Five! Fifteen.'

'No way. Seven.'


'Deal.' She laughed, and shooed me out. I closed the door behind me, and went into the kitchen.

Nessa was lying on the dining table with her head resting on her arms. 'Can we please go now.'

'Sam's not ready yet.' Nessa muttered something. It sounded a bit like 'Screw Sam.'

Maria was putting sunscreen on, and her face was completely white. 'Is she nearly ready?'

I shrugged, and poured myself a glass of water. 'You know Sam, she always takes ages to-,'

'Excuse me Ella, what were you saying? That Sam always takes ages to get ready? I think you are mistaken.' Sam was standing in the doorway, wearing a crochet bikini top, and pair of white shorts. She had on a huge floppy hat, which shaded most of her body, and a pair of sunglasses perched on the end of her nose. in her hand she carried a huge beach bag. I peered at her.


'Are those my shorts?' I asked. She glanced down, grinned at me, and walked out onto the landing.

'The perks of sharing a flat, darling.' Wafted through the open door. I rolled my eyes at Maria, who was looking faintly amused. 'Well, come on then. I guess we're all ready to go.' 


Nessa lost her phone twice and Maria left the volleyball at home, but apart from that, we made it to the beach sans probleme.

I had been looking forward to this trip for ages. The four of us spent so much time working we never had time to hang out, but now it was summer, we had all decided to put our books away and relax. The beach was a bit of a tradition for us. In the summer holidays of our last year of school, before staring university, we spent almost everyday down at the beach, playing endless games of volleyball. I sighed, remembering the last game, where I had twisted my wrist in an overenthusiastic serve.

'Here?' Ella suggested. We out our towels down, and weighed them down with our bags. I threw myself onto my towel, and closed my eyes. I grinned, and stretched my arms out. Slightly too far. I whacked Nessa in the face. She yelled out in surprise.

'Sorry, sorry, sorry.' I said, leaping up. Nessa glared at me, and then picked up a handful of sand. 'No.' I tried to look at her sternly. 'No, Nessa, we don't throw sand. Nessa, NESSA!' Nessa chucked the handful of sand at me, and most of it flew straight into my open mouth. I spat on the ground, and picked up my own handful. Squealing, Nessa stood up and ran off. I sprinted after her, and threw the sand at her. She laughed, and picked up another handful, but this time the sand was wet. I ran off, and promptly crashed into Maria, who was on her way to the bathroom. We both went down. Nessa threw herself on top. I groaned. I was now coated in sand. We all got up, laughing.

'Come on then, race you to the water.' We dashed off, and Ella, seeing what we were doing, joined in.

'Sam you've still got your shorts on. I mean my shorts.' Yelled Ella from behind. I glanced down.

'Shit!' I ran back up to the towel and tossed my shorts on to the towel. Of course by that time it was too late and everyone else was in the water. I plunged in, and swam over to them. 'Fine, I'll buy the drinks.' I said, rolling my eyes. Ella dunked me. 'You are going to pay for that!' I splashed her.

Half an hour later, we made our way to the beach bar. We were given a table in the sun, and sat down happily. 'What does everyone want?' I asked.



'San Francisco.'



'Kay, I'll have the same.' The waiter took our order and left us to it. I leant back in my chair, and felt the sun on my back. It was now 2 o'clock, and the sun was at its most powerful. I felt the warmth on my back and practically purred. Half way through our drinks, a throaty voice said, 'Hi, uh, your back's burning, you might want to put some sunscreen on.' I turned around and tried to see my back.

'Ella can you pass me the sunscreen please.' I reached across the table. 'Oh, thanks.' I added, glancing up at the guy. 'Um, Ella, my melanin is building up here, I kind of need the cream now.' Ella was staring up at the guy.

'Right, well, see you round.' The guy said, and went back to his table. Ella gasped and coughed, and went red.

'Ella, what the fuck is your problem?' I hissed. 'Pass me the damn cream.' Ella looked at me then fumbled in her bag. As she passed it to me she whispered: 'Sam are you actually retarded?' I look up at her, affronted. 'No, why?'

'That was Harry Styles you idiot!'

Hi Guys!

Hope you liked this first chapter...there's more to come!

Please like, comment and keep reading - it means a lot to me!

S xx

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