Chapter 7

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Harry was lying on the grass staring up at Sam, holding her hand. Unconsciously I leant against Niall, and looked down at them. Sam had a hand on her hip and was looking extremely exasperated. She asked him if was planning on getting up any day soon.

'Only if you'll help me up.' he said sweetly, showing off his dimples as he smiled at her.

'That's sort of what I'm trying to do Harry.'

Harry laughed and stood up with a jump. He put an arm around Sam's shoulders and kissed her on the top of her head. 'Thank you for helping me up.' he said. Niall and I looked at each other and laughed.

'Is this what he's usually like when he's drunk?' I asked. Niall nodded.

'He gets really sweet and affectionate. If she's not careful he'll be wanting to tuck her into bed with a glass of milk and a goodnight kiss.' Sam definitely wasn't being careful. Harry was chasing her round the garden.

'Guys if you want to stay go ahead, but I'm going home now, kay?' said Liam, putting his jacket on. Zayne stretched and got up.

'Yeah, I think I'll make a move too.'

Niall looked at me. 'What are you guys doing?' I looked over at Sam who was throwing cherries at Harry.

'Well, it doesn't look like Sam's leaving any time soon, so I guess I'm staying.' I looked at Niall hopefully. 'You?'

Niall sat back down. 'I guess I'm staying until you leave then.'

'Where are you guys actually staying?' I asked. Niall rubbed a hand through his hair.

'Uh, we're staying at this hotel. It's nice.'

'Ok, Ella, we're leaving.' Said Sam breathlessly. She had cherry stains all down her shirt, her hair was a mess and she had a streak of dirt on her cheek.

'I didn't know there was a pigsty around here.' I said, laughing at her.

'You can blame them for that.' she said. Louis and Harry were looking equally scruffy, and Harry had cherries hanging over his ears. 'Anyway, we're leaving now cause I need a shower.'

'Preferably with me.' said Harry, wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around. Sam swatted out at him, but Harry dodged her, giggling. Sam picked up a glass of water and sloshed it at Harry, but missed, hitting Louis instead. She stood still, looking at Louis, who was wiping his eyes. Harry elbowed Sam, who started giggling. Louis stalked off. I thought he was really cross, but then I saw him pick up the hose.

'You made a big mistake, Sam.' He said solemnly, and turned the tap on. A jet of water shot out of the rubber tube, and hit Harry full in the face. He fell down from the impact, and looked dazed. Sam was clutching her sides, dying with laughter. I started laughing as Louis turned to Sam. But Sam dodged the jet of water, and it hit me instead. I gasped as I was drenched from head to toe in luke warm water.

Everyone stopped laughing. 'Shit, Ella, sorry I didn't mean to get you, I thought-,' The bottles of water that were resting in the bucket of ice were quickly removed, and I tipped the ice bucket all over Louis' head. He shrieked, and dropped the hose. Niall fell around laughing, and Sam whooped and gave me a high five. I laughed, and she grabbed the hose. 'So, who needs to cool off?'


A while later, once we were all soaked to the skin, and completely sober, we decided that it was time to get going. Niall called a taxi for them to go back to their hotel, and they told us they could drop us off on their way.

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