Chapter 3

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Ella and I walked over to the bar with the boys. We passed our previous table, where Nessa and Maria were just getting ready to leave. They stared at us as we walked past. I flashed them a thumbs up. I was nervous about the boys getting us drinks. I felt like they were only doing it because they felt sorry for us. Well, if I were them I'd feel sorry for us too.

When those guys were being all creepy and touchy feely, I had no idea what to do. My first instinct was to try and talk my way out of it, I'm usually good at that sort of thing, but I was frozen, and couldn't think straight. When the boys turned up to help us out I was delighted, of course, but it was deeply humiliating. They probably thought we were absolutely hopeless.

We sat down at the bar, and Liam ordered a round of screwdrivers.

'So, what are you guys doing here?' asked Ella, trying to make conversation.

'Well we've been on tour for a while now, and we're just having a break.'

'Nice.' I said. a brief silence followed. Then everyone started talking at once. Then everyone stopped, letting everyone else speak. We laughed, but the tension in the air was pretty thick.

Louis punched Liam. 'What did you do that for?' Louis shrugged. I laughed. He was kind of cute.

'So what are you two doing here?' Niall asked, while Louis and Liam quarrelled.

'We live around here, and the beach is a sort of tradition for us. We haven't been in a while, so, yeah.' Ella explained. I still hadn't fully registered the fact that I was sitting in a bar with One Direction. Ella had started nattering away to Niall as if they had known each other their whole lives. I wished I was as cool and confident as she was.

'So do you have any tours or concerts coming up?' I asked Harry, wishing I knew more about the music industry.

'Not for a while. We are playing at a really small out of the way restaurant as a favour to an old friend. You're welcome to come.'

'Oh, no, thanks, but if it's just for friends, we wouldn't want to push in.'

'But you're not pushing in, we're inviting you. I think you'd enjoy it.'

I nibbled my lip. I was slightly overwhelmed. Louis, Liam and Harry were all staring at me expectantly. 'It's so nice of you to invite us, but I think we have plans tonight anyway.' I turned towards Ella. 'Ella we have plans tonight, don't we.'

Ella gave me a big grin. 'Well we do now. Niall's invited us to their gig tonight.' She looked really happy. Niall was slightly pink.

'Look at our bad boy, winning over the girls.' Liam ruffled Niall's ash blonde hair.

'Bad boy? More like church boy!' scoffed Louis. Everyone laughed. Harry looked at me.

'So I guess you'll be coming.' He smirked.

'I guess so.' I said brightly, and swigged down the dregs of my drink. I saw Harry wink at me out of the corner of my eye. I choked on my drink, and Louis had to pat me on the back until I was able to breathe again.

'I hope my saving you isn't going to become a habit, Sam.'


At first I felt really shy, but I started chatting to Niall, and conversation between us simply flowed. He was really sweet, and kept running his hand through his hair. I asked him about the places they'd travelled to, and he told me that even though he really loved seeing exotic places all over the world, Ireland would always be his favourite place.

'You said you're on holiday now, so does that mean you don't have any concerts or anything?' I asked. Niall shook his head.

'Tonight we're playing at a friend's restaurant as a favour. He's helped us out a lot in the past, and we thought we'd offer our services for free. It's quite an out of the way place, so he doesn't do much business.' He blushed. 'Sorry that sounded big headed.'

'No, no,' I added quickly. 'I think it's a really nice thing to do.' He held my gaze for a second, and I blushed, lowering my eyes.

'You should come.' He said. I looked up at him. He was slightly flushed


'Yeah.' he said, sounding a lot more sure of himself. I grinned and nodded.

'Thanks, I will. Oh, can Sam come too?'

'Yeah, of course.' Right on cue, Sam turned towards me. She was looking somewhat flustered.

'Ella we have plans tonight, don't we.'

I gave her a big grin. 'Well we do now. Niall's invited us to their gig tonight.'

'Look at our bad boy, winning over the girls.' Liam messed up Niall's hair.

'Bad boy? More like church boy!' mocked Louis. Everyone laughed. Harry looked at Sam.

'So I guess you'll be coming.' He smirked.

'I guess so.' She said brightly, and downed her drink. She managed to choke on it, and Louis had to pat her on the back until she could breathe again.

'I hope my saving you isn't going to become a habit, Sam.' I chuckled at that, and Louis smiled at me and winked.

'I'll give you the address shall I?' said Niall loudly.

'I'm not deaf, Niall.' I joked, rubbing my ear. He laughed, and I found myself laughing with him. 'Soo, are you going to give me the address?'

'Oh yeah, right.' He got out his phone and began scrolling. He gave me the address and I wrote it down on the back of Sam's hand.

'What time should we be there?' Sam asked.

'Eight o'clock if you want to get good seats.'

I nodded. 'Well, we'd better get going then, we need to shower and all that stuff.' I looked at my watch, and did a doubletake. It was later than I thought. 'Ok, yes, we definitely need to go.' Sam and I got up to leave.

'I guess we'll see you later then.'

'I hope so.' Said Niall. We waved at them, and left the bar. 

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S xx

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