A Change in Beliefs.

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“I love Krabby Patties

I think that they are swell

They are the best

There's no contest

And now I'm going to yell.

I love Krabby Patties!

I think they're swell.

They're so neat

And quite a treat

And how I love the way they smell...

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la la”

The television blared as SpongeBob sung in the dreariness that was the side of the basement. It’s early, a Monday, and a few weeks since I’ve been to school. Are’s birthday passed, I threw him a Chuck E. Cheese party, and few of his friends came. Diggy went, but didn’t speak to me. I sighed and looked up out one of the couple small windows I posses in that dark holding cell. I saw Darnell hopping into a car, Diggy’s.

“I hate him. I hate them both”

I particularly lied as I gritted and plopped back in bed. Life is pain why don’t I ever realize this? It’s winter now, Christmas is soon and I think Sonny and Monny are gonna have more than a leave of absence. I think they’re coming home, permanently. Lenn has been an awesome little brother getting me my school work, getting me food. I basically have not left this basement since…well you know. & there’s a bathroom down here so don’t think I can survive without taking a shit. Tynell, annoying as ever. He constantly bothers me like I don’t even give hints that I want nothing to do with him, I tell him straight up. Rolling around in my covers I find my comfy spot and drift to a land of serenity.


In homeroom drowsy as hell, I sat down in my seat after saying the pledge of allegiance with the class. I yawned solemnly as I watched Ms. Canton walk over to a snoozing Twist and harshly slam a history textbook on his desk.

“AHHHH, Damn what the Fu---udgesicle”

He contemplated as he stared confused at the bitter old bat.

Wake up and say the pledge, Chris.”

“Nahh, bye”

He said laying his head back down in his folded arms as he tried to drift back to a slumbered bliss.

“Do it now or detention.”

“Detention? For what?”


She spat as he licked his lips and looked up, smirking.

“Go ahead write that shit cause as soon as you do, I’m soon as I do I’m suing this school for trying to compromise my beliefs.”

He smiled and she huffed back to her seat eyeing him. Homeroom ended with that and we laughed as the bell rang and we strolled out of class.

“what beliefs is it that she was ‘compromising’ Twist?”

Khalil said as he walked with us.

“Sheeeeeeit, it was the belief of a sleepy nigga’s sleep.”

He joked and turned an opposite way down the hall. I smiled as I looked around and began to walk to 2nd Period. Arriving to class I took my seat next to Darnell, he’s my science partner since Ari’s not only betrayed my trust but also went AWOL. I’m through trying with her. She broke up with me and pretended to be in love with me. Who the fuck does this?! Then on top of all of that Darnell says it was planned with his brother Tynell ever since that day in the gym. She’s just a hoe that’s been using me since day 1.

“Digg, drive me here”

“Dan, protect me”

“Bestie, make me feel like my whore qualities aren’t whorish.”

I thought in my mind as I couldn’t help but feel my fists closing. I thought she cared about me. I mean, at least a little bit...

“Ok class…”

Mrs. Jones began as I zoned out. Twist keeps telling me that I need to just talk to Ari, but he doesn’t know shit about girls. He cheats on Zay constantly and it’s surprising to me that she’s just catching on to him and Paige’s shit. I wondered off into dream land.

“Hey, Hey Digg?”

I heard a soft voice call and poke me from behind. I looked back and seen a petite girl with dark brown hair with highlights underneath and gorgeous squinty like eyes. I seen her before but never really paid attention. I’m quite oblivious if my complete focus is on something else, like I was with Ariana. I smiled and spoke in a smooth voice.

“what’s up?”

“borrow a pencil?”

She questioned and giggled as she smiled softly with those full lips.



There I stood at my locker wide eyed, mouth a gap.

“Replaced that fast? Really.”

I hushed under my breath as  walked  down the hallway head down trying to bury myself in my sweats. I scurried past Daniel and Jess as he pinned her against the locker and blessed her lips with the bliss that was once mine a month ago.

“Sure it was only 24 hrs, but those lips were mine.”

I thought defeated in myself; my tear ducts were too dry for tears. I bit my lip and walked to the auditorium to meet Dane and the girls. When I walked up I was greeted with hugs of sympathy and sorrow.

“It’ll be ok chica.”

Dane cooed to me as I stood in the center of them feeling dead inside. I looked down and sighed as Zaona started to pull me off to the side.

“Just. Tell. Digg. Ana I promise you as soon as you shit would be so much better,boo”

She preached to me as I sat in a seat and held my head in my hands. No one, but Zay, Twist, Darnell, & I knew the truth to all of this fucked up nonsense.


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