I Am Not A Whore (6x)

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-Ana POV-

Darnell: get tha_fuck out im done

Ana: what ?

Darnell: i sed get out we done we_fucked we are done bye_slut

Ana: i-i thought you liked me

Darnell: well i guess you thought wrong cuz i like to_fuck so bye get out my car

Ana:(fighting back tears) budd-budd how am i suppose to get home

Darnell: honestly i dont kno nd i dont give a_fuck

Ana:(gets out tha car crying) umm could i atleast hav some money for tha bus

Darnell: oh you charging now Devlin aint tell me that ughh here_hoe nd if you gav me anything my sister is gonna beat your_ass (gives her some money nd peels off)

Ughh_Asshole; So this is my life… I never imagined it like this i thought i was gonna have a pretty normal life not to popular not to lame budd no every1 knows me. Hey my name is {ari-aun-nah} Ariana Mitchell or jus Ana, or yuh know what call me what you want every1 else does from_whore_to_hoe to std-carrying-b!tch evn tho' i've nvr in my life had a std… well no permanent 1's anyway. I'm 16 nd live in Crafton,Pa its an outskirt of pittsburgh nd oh yea ima_whore. I dont even kno why i'm crying, this has happened some many times already in so many different ways, sometimes its worst than this, i dont even kno why i still keep trying to hav faith in "there is some1 for every1" or "keep yuh heart opened" ughh more like "there's no1 for_sluts" nd "i keep my legs open." I am jus a_whore why dont i jus except it… I sat at a bus stop until tha bus came it's like 2am now. Tha bus finally came after 10 minutes i sed "hi" to Larry nd sat in my usually seat. Larry is tha bus driver yea i kno tha night driver like i sed this happens to me ALOT budd he doesnt judge me thats why he's 1 of my few friends, tha i only have friends 4; 3 are girls nd 1 is dane, nd yes dane is a boy budd my bestfriend is diggy he's been there forevr we knew each other since we were 2 nd he has never left my side even when we were 13 nd i first became... tha school_whore. Even my few friends have left me atleast once, budd i dont blame them i mean how could i ? its not their fault its not their life 

Larry: ana you want me to take you home or to yuh usually stop

Ana:(crying) umm usually please

Larry lowered his rear mirror to look at me nd sed "dont let those boys stop you from shining you are a beautiful star" those words made me feel a lil better nd if you're wondering my usually stop is yes diggy's house. I live a block away from him nd he is usually where i go after situations such as these. Tha bus stopped nd i got out after hugging larry nd saying "bye." Ughh i walked down diggy's street with tears still pouring from my eyes, I couldnt stop them sometimes i jus want to die. I would kill myself… budd diggy sed im not allowed to bcuz he needs me. I dont kno what for tho' he's captain of tha football team nd basketball team, he gets good grades, nd he has a family that actually loves him nd wonders where he's at if he's gone at 2am. Budd, no matter tha facts he sed he needs me nd i need him. I've never actually told any1 budd… i love him nd not like a brother not like a cousin or not like some weird uncle budd like he fuels my life yuh know ? I dont really know how to explain it, jus… i dont know, budd no i could never tell diggy that would ruin our friendship nd i'd rather hav him as a friend nd love him from a far rather than love him while he's near nd see him go far. Nd I know i'm being corny as some BBQ fritos right now budd i dont give 2 fucks i'm crying my eyes out… again. I reached diggy's house nd went to his backyard. In his backyard diggy's room window was there budd on tha top floor, his room is sorta like an attic nd its huge he has his own full bathroom nd a mini-fridge up there, we once spent tha whole summer up there nd only left when mommy justine made us. Budd whatever so i climbed up tha gate thingy on tha side of tha house; you kno tha thing with vines growing thru it ? Yea that, i climbed up that nd knocked softly on diggy's window. After that i heard a bang then tha window slid open nd i saw him with a cover wrapped around him nd he saw me… crying… again.

The Life of a Whore: A Diggy Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now