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The next day I woke up I was extremely tired. Harry didn't leave until nearly midnight and I hadn't fallen asleep since he left me feeling absolutely great. Even though it was embarrassing to admit, I actually loved how he made me feel. Especially since no feelings were involved like other sappy relationships.

After brushing my teeth, I re-straightened the wavy parts of my hair and slid into leggings, my usual flip flops and a college hoodie. What can I say? I'm a girl with ambitions. Seeing my parents weren't here once again, I skipped breakfast and headed straight to school.

Parking in the senior parking area, I got out of my car and headed straight to my first period. "Hello class, I'm Mr. Woods your AP Stat substitute teacher. Please take a seat everyone." Since it was a sub no one listened and class went by quickly. Breezing through my first four classes lunch finally came around. Meeting Sarah at our usual spot we headed to the cafeteria and she still decided to leave after lunch.

Sitting down after picking out an apple, water, and a cold-cut sandwich Sarah started squirming. "That blonde guy is staring directly at you Danielle!" Looking over I realized it was Niall, the boy I met at the grocery story just yesterday. "Oh my god! His friend with the curls has that cute bad ass look, ugh I want them both!" Trying to keep her from yelling anymore I just nodded my head. Yes I had noticed she was deciding to go after Harry, but I couldn't so anything about it since we were only "fuck-buddies." Sipping from my water, Sarah hit me and said the group of guys were walking over here. Sitting down, I nearly choked when Harry say right next to me.

"Hey, you're the girl I ran into at the grocery story! Danielle right?" Smiling with a nod, he sat down and Sarah started conversation immediately. Looking at the other guys, I introduced myself and they began too as well. "I'm Zayn."
"I'm Liam, and as you know this is Harry and Niall." Oh I knew who Harry was. As they stuck out their hands to formally greet me, I felt Harry rub his hand on my thighs. Feeling a little warm and hoping no one decided to look under the table, Harry let his hand hover between my thighs the whole time. Looking at the nearest clock, I hoped two minutes could go by quicker because I was pouring sweat right now from embarrassment and crave. Finally, the minutes passed and Sarah shot up with the other boys following her - leaving me completely stranded with Harry.

Glaring at him a smirk grew on his face and I somewhat felt annoyed from the shit he just pulled. Grabbing my bag I started towards my next class leaving Harry's jaw completely open. Making my way down the hall, I was suddenly pulled into a closet. "Don't be startled." Recognizing that deep accent, my cheeks flushed. Turning around to face him he say me up on the table and stood in front of me. Locking the door, he made his way back over to me and started kissing my neck. Sucking in the same pattern as before, I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't moan to loudly. "Ha-Harry p-please. I'm going to be late for my ne-next class." The words came out broken but he ignored them anyway.

Meeting my eyes, he crashed his lips onto mine. Kissing back I pulled him closer to me as he tightened his grip on my waist. Feeling his hands under my hoodie, our kiss only deepened. Since we were so close, I felt his bulge grow under me and that was my cue to pull away. Pecking his cheek, I hopped off the table, grabbed my bag, and headed to class - where I should've been a long time ago.

Looking at my phone, I couldn't believe it was already sixth period. Harry and I's make out session lasted for a whole 45 minutes and since I was a senior, I had no sixth class. Satisfied with how I left Harry I was smiling as I exited the halls of my school. Meeting me at the door, Niall stopped me from continuing to the parking lot. "Hey Danielle, you look lovely today.. I meant to tell you at lunch." Saying thank you, I tried to continue to where I was going. "So I was wondering actually..." Niall's face grew red and his voice got shaky. "Would you want to hang out sometime? Like just me and you."

Not knowing what to say I realized there was no reason for me to turn him down. I wasn't in a relationship at all, at least an exclusive one, so all I could do was nod my head. Hugging me bye, he got all giddy and walked away.

Now what the hell am I supposed to do with Harry?

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