Entry 3

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Tuesday, May 21th, 1958

12:30 PM

Dear Diary,

The same thing today, the same thing tomorrow. Honestly, when will there be something different. I said it last night and I'll say it again, what if I just heard things? Did anyone really tell me to live on? When will I just be okay?! WHEN will I be able to speak my mind? WEN will I be able to feel like I'm loved?! Or have a friend?! When and will, are the 30 and 19 most popular words in English. (not 100% true) to me, they are 2 and 3 most used words I say. The 1st is one I say in my mind and creeps into my head a lot. Suicide. I've tried once or twice but the 'voice' told to continue living. Lucky me.

Sincerely, Marella

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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