*Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Wait What?!" Rosemary comes and sits down on my coffee table in front of me instead of the very unoccupied couch next to me.

"Yeah. The Boss Man proposed." I throw my head back, slouch down ,and put my feet up on what supposed to be my coffee table but instead is Rosemary.

"Damn Girl! You got game if you got dude proposing to you after three weeks."

Ugh! This chick is crazy. "Not the point ,Ro"

"Wait. Is this the same extremely fine piece of ass that came to your door a few weeks ago?" Daniella comes out of the kitchen with two glasses of wine and hands one of them to Rosemary.

"He is not that fine." I'm totally lying but they don't know that. "And where is my glass? I'm the one who asked of some."

"Hell No! Stop lying!" Daniella sit on the couch next to me. At least one of my friends know what couches are. "Mary, you should have seen him. The guy was a fuggin model of sexiness." She starts to fan herself.

Rosemary rolls her eye at the fact that she is being called 'Mary'

"Your so over dramatic-" I was cut off.

"So the future Mr. Sullivan is hot?" Rosemary nudges me.

"Future Mr.Sullivan? I'm pretty sure IF we get married imma be taking his last name."

"Not if he proposing from knowing you about three weeks." Daniella chimes back in.

"Ok can we stop with the teasing. I'm serious." I'm starting to question why I even asked these dorks for advice.

"Oh is the wu'ttle baby getting upset" Dani coos while Ro grabs my cheeks.

"Mane, Fuck Y'all. I need a drink." I swat them away and stand up. "Especially if I'm going to be dealing with this shit all day ."

After pouring myself a huge glass of red wine I came back to the couch and sat with my legs cris crossed while taking a long gulp of my wine.

"Whoa there tiger." Ro took the glass out of my hands. "You have to be sober to make a decision like this.

"Fuck That" I reach for the glass again but fail to get it so I just sit and pout.

"Good Jaxson." Dani pats my head like I'm a dog.

"So what are you going to do?" Ro questions while still holding my wine. How she gonna take it away from me? I paid for it.

"Jaxs, you need that money." Dani looks at me seriously.

"No I don't! I can survive without it."

"But wouldn't it be easier if you didn't have to struggle?"

"Yeah Sully! He is basically giving you a get out of jail free card." Ro joins in.

"That's great and all but I'm not in jail. I can survive by myself proudly.I like working."

"You can work while you have the money. Duh." Dani looks at me like I just said something totally stupid.

"Right! Plus don't you wanna help pay off some bills for you folks, buy yourself a house, buy us a house, be set for life? Look at all the possibilities."

"But you guys are only thinking about the money. This is my whole life for two years. I would be married and have kids."

"What's wrong with that?" They both say at the same time.

"It will be fake! Fake love. Fake marriage but a real child. What is he gonna think when he realize that his parents got together over contract? Plus I would have to get a divorce. You guys out of all people should know how I feel about them. Marriage is something special and should be shared with someone who is worth spending the rest of your life with and not a reason to be taken for a couple of years. And when you add a child in the mix it becomes even more complicated. I'm throwing away my morals for stability. Is that even the right thing to do."

Dani said yes while Ro said no.

"Of course it's right. It's nothing wrong with wanting stability in your life. Plus your not breaking your morals you're just bending them. And you always wanted a kid"

"Yeah from someone I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with. Not my boss ...for money. I feel like I'm selling myself. I just feel icky just thinking about it."

"Hey ,you always said that you wanted to be a stripper." Taylor says through giggles.

I give her a dead look. "Strippers are completely different from a call girl, Asshole." I reach over and throw a pillow at her.

"I see where you are coming from though Sully."

"Thank You, Ro!"

"But..-" Oh No. Not the but. "I think everything happens for a reason. You don't need the money but you can use it. And you would be doing the guy a favor. He worked hard and you should know what it's like to be pressure and forced to do something for your family. They usually know best maybe this is what's best. And it can be like a little acting role. You know you are amazing as an actor. Plus it not selling yourself we all have to do jobs in order to get money. Think of it as a bonus and a promotion."

"Yeah, and you would have a dedicated cuddle buddy for two solid years. That by itself is the reason I would say yes."

"I don't know." I snatch back my wine a take another long swing of it. "This is so stupid. I don't know why I haven't said No yet. I should've said no. I should've acted on impulse. Now I'm over thinking all of this."

"I think you know what you are going to do." Dani throws a pillow in my face.

"Yeah unfortunately I do." I look down at my hands and play with the pillow Dani just chucked at me.

"Well now since that's settled. Let's have movie night since we are already here."
Lol Long Time No Upload. Y'all I Ain't Gonna Lie. I Forgot About This Whole App🤦🏽‍♀️ Let Alone This Story. But I Was Bored Couldn't Sleep And Wanted To Read So Here I Am. I'm Going To Try To Finish This Book But It's Definitely Gonna Be Long So IDK When Exactly Will It Be Finished. But Im Back So
Hi 👋🏾🙃
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~Peace✌🏽️, Love❤️, & Dopeness😘

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