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Hi everyone!

My name is Lise, I am an author of historical fictions, and I am both French and Canadian.

In 2008, I started to write (in French) a small Pride & Prejudice fanfiction. It was called La renaissance de Pemberley. But even with readers waiting and asking for the next chapters, I progressively lost my motivation and never finished it, always saying to myself: "I'll finish it one day".

10 years later, things had changed a lot! I had become a published author, had written 5 books, and was now ready to come back to that old story. But I didn't just finish it: I rewrote it entirely and transformed what was a small fanfiction into a 400 pages novel. I kept the general ideas, some of the scenes that I still liked, and I kept the title. I also added a loooooooot of research in order to make my novel as historically accurate and respectful of Jane Austen's work as possible (I'm a History lover, especially the 19th century, and I share my research on my blog, ).

In January 2019, I published it. It has been – and still is! – a pretty nice success given that there are not many Jane Austen continuations or variations in French. Most of them are translations (as far as I know we are only four French authors writing about her).

But for me, the adventure was not over. I've always had ambition to see my novel translated, so I hired a translator and two editors to do the work. It was essential to me that they all speak and write British English as I wanted to stay as "austenesque" as possible. You'll be the judge of that!

So... here it is! The first of 14 chapters!

The full book will be released on Amazon, Kobo, Apple books and Google Books on:

June 16th, 2020

I hope you'll like it!

I wish you a good read! 🙂

(if you want to know more about the book and its release, follow me on my blog: )

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