Me: so this was kinda requested by SweetieTreaties and the rest I wanted to. No art because I searched her art book and couldn't find anything usefull, dang you! Also, *Looks to camera* I'm sorry if this ain't her right personality.
Gordie: Pumpkin?
Me: yes *opens door and small kid runs in* Pumpkin.
Pumpkin: GORRDDIIEEEE!!! *tackles Gordie*
Raihan: what how come he's getting girls that short and I can't even get one normal sized?!
Bea: *whispers* I thought you liked Leon
Raihan had left the chat
Milo:*slowly backs away* she's too hyper
Me: oh come on, you deal with me!
Nessa: You dragged us here!
Me: Actually I redecorated the house and this is my writer's hole. Haven't you noticed Kabu always in the kitchen?
Nessa: *opens mouth but then closes it*
Pumpkin: why did you leave me!? I was sad without you!
Gordie:*being sat on by Pumpkin* I live here! So I didn't leave you anywhere!
Piers: I have no words.....
Bede: why do I relate to goth man so much?
Melony: *pops in* It sounds like fight is going on who do I need to whack!?
Allister: Ms. Melony, L just introduced a new girl and she is really loud. Nobody has to be whacked.
Me: *is rethinking bringing this child here* alright gimme your reactions so we can leave!
Pumpkin: 1000 OUTTA 10!!
Gordie: *grumbles* 7
Milo, me, and Nessa: 4
Allister: 5
Piers and Bede: why am I doing this again
Me: okay! *shuts off camera

Anime Characters React to Ships
RandomRead the title and enter the madness that is, pause for dramatic effects, My writer's hole. Note: it's not just anime characters. It will also include OCs. Also this starts out with mostly Pokemon ships because it was originally a Pokemon ship react...