Bede: Let's hurry this shit up, I have things to do
Honey: like what?
L: cuddling your tinker bell plushie~?
Bede: *becomes instant tomato, better watch out or the Uchihoe will eat ya* N-NO!
camera: you liar
Bede: *starts mumbling incoherent curses and sits in the chair* what's my first question?
Honey: *looks at the cards* you have two fan questions and a question from L.
L: Can I go first?! *is bouncing with excitement "
Honey: sure
L: okay Bede, what are your thoughts on the girls we introduced and who is your favorite?
Bede: That's two questions dimwit, *sigh* I think they're okay and if I had to choose a favorite it would be Losse, because she scares away the idiots and lets me play with her hair.
Honey: awwww Bede has a soft side
L: *is totally not planning to use that as blackmail, with a little story twists*
Bede: shut up!
Honey: okay your fan question is from TigrisRuby69, who asks if you have any feelings for someone. Gender doesn't matter.
Bede: yes *pauses and sticks his nose in the air and folds his arms* but that is personal information and I do not have to say.
L: *whispers in Bede's ear* is it Losse~? Because you know she's 32 and you're not even 20.
Bede: *turns red* excuse me! Just because she's my favorite out of those four doesn't mean I like her!her freaking kid is my age!
Camera: *writes on notebook paper* okay Bede has a crush on Losse
Bede: MY GOD! I SAID I DON'T LIKE HER!! *snatches paper and erases the name, then writes down Gloria instead* there.
Camera: oh okay...
Honey: so you like Gloria?
Bede: *is now the purest red out there* yes now can you shut up about it *embarrassed noises*
Honey: okay your last question is also from TigrisRuby69 who also asks, so you like being the fairy type gym leader.
Bede: half and half, I like being the gym leader in general but Opal's nagging and whacking me with her umbrella is annoying. Can I go now?
Honey: yes
*Bede leaves*
L: *is working on a book*
Honey: oh yeah, I forgot about that. After we finish A Universe Within Your Eyes, which is soon by the way, we are working on our first Naruto book.
L: Yeah it's called Sounds of Silence and it's a Gaara x Mute!Reader. So be on the lookout for that soon, maybe today actually.
Camera: are we done here?
Honey: yep
*camera shuts off

Anime Characters React to Ships
AcakRead the title and enter the madness that is, pause for dramatic effects, My writer's hole. Note: it's not just anime characters. It will also include OCs. Also this starts out with mostly Pokemon ships because it was originally a Pokemon ship react...