Bea: FINALLY!! *inspects the picture* But no on the dress.
Me: where can I find that dress? I think it would look good on me.
Nessa: I forgot honestly, sorry L
Raihan: *is only here because he doesn't want to be stuck with Melony and her lectures* you're lucky I'm even here after that L!
Me: shut it you, you're done with questions and it's over forgive and forget
Gordie: yeah I'm next! How do you think I feel?
Piers: *sips coffee and does whatever he does*
Bede: I don't really care, I'm only here because I was brought against my will and*sips coffee* the coffee maker makes really good coffee
Me: *sighs* only Opal...
Allister: *is watching Netflix and it's probably some horror movie or Creeped Out because it's got a character with a mask like him*
Me: Okay how do y'all feel about the ship!?
Bea: *screeches louder than all of Earth* INFINITY OUT OF TEN!!!!!!!!!!
Nessa: I don't want to answer that....
Raihan: 6 I guess?
Gordie: same with Dragon Onesie
Piers: *is he even alive?!*
Bede: *poking Piers and not paying attention*
Allister: how stupid are you people!? The Santa doll is obviously haunted and why go in the store at night of all times!?
Camera: honestly I expected more chaos today
Piers: *looks at the camera with wide eyes* THE UNHOLY CREATURE HAS BEEN FOUND!!
Me: Okay Piers has gone insane..... That's normal
Oh yeah! Gordie is next on the list for answering fan questions so any last minute questions you want to ask, comment it here!Gordie:*screeches in fear*
*camera goes black*

Anime Characters React to Ships
RandomRead the title and enter the madness that is, pause for dramatic effects, My writer's hole. Note: it's not just anime characters. It will also include OCs. Also this starts out with mostly Pokemon ships because it was originally a Pokemon ship react...