Chapter 11

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It has been a moon since Leafsong had left ThunderClan. The days have been monotonous to her. Every day after she woke up she hunted, wandered the woods, jumped through the trees once in a while, hunted again, and then went back to sleep. She hasn't ended up in the Dark Forest since last time, either. She was beginning to want to go back to her Clan.

But what if they won't accept me? Leafsong kept saying in her mind over and over again. What would they say to me? Would they think I am a traitor? And outcast?

Then she started thinking about the Clan itself.

Is everyone healthy? Have there been any battles? Any new kits? How are they doing on food and medicine supplies?

Leafsong barely noticed where she was placing her paws until she heard some meows behind her. She quickly hid in a bramble thicket, trying not to hiss as the thorny branches tugged and pulled out her fur as she made her way in. She froze in her place as she heard a voice call back.

"I'm only going to look at something real quick, Leafpool," the cat yowled.


"All right, but hurry back!" Leafpool called.

They must be looking for herbs, guessed Leafsong.

She held her breath as Jaypaw's gray tabby pelt came into view between the branches, heading past the bush.

Please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me, Leafsong prayed over and over.

To Leafsong's dismay, the medicine cat apprentice halted in front of the bush. Her heart almost stopped as the gray tom spoke her name.

"Leafsong," Jaypaw meowed calmly, "I know you are in there. Come out."

The pale ginger she-cat hesitated for what seemed like another moon before she scrambled out of the thicket. She stared at the cat in astonishment. "How did you-"

"Why did you leave ThunderClan?" Jaypaw interrupted. His pale blue gaze bored right into Leafsong's eyes, as if he could see her as clearly as any other cat.

Leafsong felt really uncomfortable, darting her eyes around, trying not to look at Jaypaw. Her pelt burned with embarrassment. After a while, she muttered, "Squirrelflight drove me out."

"What?" Jaypaw blurted suddenly. "Squirrelflight drove you out? Do those words even fit together? I thought you and Squirrelflight were best friends. I doubt she would ever drive you out, especially want you to leave ThunderClan. You need to stop using her as an excuse for you to run away."

The apprentice's lecture made Leafsong's fur stand up in anger. "She did drive me out! I hate her! I can't believe we were best friends before. She deserves to die, and will die!"

Leafsong realized a heartbeat too late that she gave away what she was going to do as she saw how terrified and shocked Jaypaw's face went.

"You're going to kill her?" His meow was barely more than a whisper. He shook his head slowly. "Leafsong, you can't kill her. Come back to the Clan. It's not only your duty to protect ThunderClan, but all of the Clans. You are the Chosen Warrior, Leafsong. It is your destiny."

Leafsong wanted to claw Jaypaw's face. "What's even the point of the Chosen Warrior?" she hissed fiercely. "Can't the Clans worry about their own dangers? Or are they too soft-hearted to save themselves?"

The two stood there with a great tension growing between them. Leafsong suddenly felt tired, like her energy was pouring out with every word she had said.

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