meeting the blasty boy... kinda.

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Me and kiri had been texting back and forward for a few days, and sometimes met up to train. Even though we finished the exams we still needed to keep our quirks in top shape. One day kiri came up to me, but he looked different. And not just a slight change, it was a HUGE one. He had dyed his hair bright red, and now had it kinda spikey. "Kiri, what is with your hair?" I asked him.
"Oh, I wanted a new look before highschool started. Do you like it?" He asked me.
"I love it! It looks super manly, and you look so cute!" And I swear i saw his face flush a light shade of pink at this remark.
"N-n-nobodys ever called me cute before..."
"HOW? BOI YOU ARE A CINNAMON ROLL PERSONAFIED! NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE LIKE THAT!" I yelled at him in surprise and his face darkened slightly.
"But how can someone be manly AND cute at the same time?" He asked me. "You act like a real man, Wich makes you manly, and yet your so cute! That's how!" And I saw his face become an even darker shade of pink. We trained and spared for about 3 hours. By the time we were done, both of us were hot, sweaty and hungry.
"You wanna grab a quick meal before we go home? I don't know about you but I'm starving right now!" I asked him.
"Sure! Wanna go to (enter any fast food place you want)?" "Yeah I'm down!" After we grabbed our food and ate, we both went home. Kiri insisted on walking me home even though it was only 5:00 in the afternoon kinda late, but it wasent really dark. (17:00 depending on where you are) yes we started sparing at 1:00 in the afternoon. (13:00) I thanked him and went inside my house, and took an hour long shower and got into some PJs. After I got dressed my mom called me down. "Hey (y/n) you got a letter from U.A!" "What?! Let me see it!"
"Here you go." I took it and went up to my room, my dog following right behind me. I opened up the envelope and pulled out a disk. "Huh? What's this?"

The disk came to life and all might appeared! I yelped in surprise "A-A-ALL MIGHT?! N-NANI THE FUCK?!" I was so confused. What was he doing in the hologram? Why is he here?
"I AM HERE, AS A HOLOGRAM!" He yelled.
"No shit Sherlock..." I mumbled to myself.
"YOU SCORED 75 POINTS TOTAL, AND HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO U.A. CLASS 1-A! WELCOME YOUNG (L/N)!" With that the hologram disappeared. I was sitting there, silent. I was shocked and needed a seccond to process this. When it finally sunk in, I squealed in happiness! I called kirishima.
"GAH! Stop screaming!"
"Sorry. I'm just excited! I got in!"
"I just got mine too!"
"And? Did you get in?" I asked exitedly.
"Yeah! I'm so happy!"
"I can't wait to see you at school! What class are you in? I'm in 1-A!"
"No way! We're going to be in the same class!"
"Really? That's awesome!"
"I have to go. My mom needs me to help her."
"Kay! Later kiri!"
After I hung up the phone I got a call from the Teletubbies sun himself, my childhood best friend- togata mirio.
"Sup dude!"
"Hey did you get in? Nejire and tamaki want to know, and I'm curious."
Yes my childhood friend is mirio. Through him I met tamaki, and later nejire. I have a sample of his hair that he sent me to incorporate in my hero suit since i have his quirk and know how to use it. So that way if I use his quirk, I won't be naked after. He actually seggested it and I thought it was a great idea.
"Yeah I just got my acceptance letter! I got in!" And with that I heard cheering for none other than nejire. I chuckled knowing that tamaki was probably with them too and he more than likely had me on speaker.we chatted for a while and before I knew it we had been talking for 3 hours! I told them I had to go and then hung up after we all said our goodbyes.
After I hung up the phone and went down to my mom, and saw my dad was home. As soon as I got down the stairs I could hardly contain my excitement. "I got in!" I yelled. "Congratulations sweetie!" My mom yelled.
"Let's go get your favorite to celebrate." Dad suggested.
"Hell yeah!" I yelled , and ran up to change my clothes, since I was after all, in my PJs. I put my (h/l) (h/c) hair in a ponytail (ingnore if you have short hair) and put on my glasses. I admit I like to dress a little punk like/gothic, but it's just my style. (If it's not your style please just go with it for the book.) I grabbed a tank top, and some black jeans. Some knee high lace up boots and some gloves.

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