quirk assessment

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(y/n)'s POV

When we finished changing we went outside. I saw a few of the boys looking at me since the uniform was a little tight around the chest. I saw one boy with grapes for hair litteraly drooling when he saw me with a nosebleed and his hands doing kind of a squeezing motion what the? I thought to myself. And even though I don't like to use this quirk cuz it invades people's privacy, I felt like I should this time. So I activated my mind reading quirk and this is what I heard his mind say 'omg her boobies are so big! I wanna squeeze them and touch her hot body! I-' I stopped listening after that...

After a minute mr. Aizawa said we were having a quirk assessment test. Everyone in the class said "What?" At the same time. A brunette raised her hand and said "but orientation sir! We're going to miss it!"
"I'm allowed to run my class as I see fit. We don't bother with pointless ceremonies here. You came here to be heros, not attend pointless things such as orientation. Bakugou you scored the highest on the entrance exam. What was your highest score on the ball throw in middle school."
I looked over at who he was talking to and saw the blonde porcupine. So his name's bakugou. I thought to myself. "67 meters I think." He replied
"Now try it with your quirk."
"Heh. Okay." He said as he walked up, and grabbed the ball.
"Anything goes, just stay within the circle."
"Alright." He said as he prepared to throw the ball "DIEEE!!" He shouted as he threw the ball and an explosion came from his hand as the ball was propelled by it. Die? Wtf is with this dude? I thought to myself as Aizawa showed us his phone showing his score. 705.2 meters? Damn his quirk is powerful. It could come in handy...
"I expect each of you to push yourself as hard as you can, and go beyond your limits. That is what plus ultra means. Cuz if you don't, the person in last place will be expelled." I looked around and saw a boy with green hair who looked almost as if he were going to pass out. The brunette from earlier said "huh? That's so not fair!"
" And you think power hungry villains, natural disasters, and murderers are? Hate to break it to you, but the world isn't fair." We started after that. I went up to bakugou and touched his arm where skin was exposed to gain his attention, and gain his quirk He turned around and started yelling at me. "DON'T TOUCH ME DAMN EXTRA!"
"Jeez. I just wanted to say you have a really cool quirk, and your score on the ball throw was impressive, but if your gonna be like that, then nevermind." I said and I turned to walk away from him, when he grabbed my arm.
"Hey nerd, what's your name?"
I was taken aback at this. "W-why do you w-w-want to know?" I asked kinda scared, and cursed myself under my breath for stuttering. Why was I so shy sometimes?
"Your the one person who isn't intimated by me. You actually have the guts to stand up for yourself. Your strange, but for some reason, I wanna know a bit about you. I guess what Im Trying to say is, you caught my attention."
"...(y/n)..." I said quietly.
"Huh? Speak up."
"(Y/n). You can call me (y/n)." I said.
"(Y/n) huh? Hmm... I think shortie suits you better. I'm gonna call you shortie." I pouted a bit at this.
"*Sigh* whatever. Your names bakugou, right? I heard Mr. Aizawa call you that earlier."
"Yeah and don't you forget it. I'm gonna be the number one hero."
"Okay then... Can I go now? Your still gripping on my arm..."
"Tch. Whatever shortie." He said as he let go of my arm. I walked away and smiled a bit. I had gained his quirk after all. And I got a good look at him, and I guess he's kinda cute.

Bakugou's POV while you two were talking

I felt a hand on my arm and saw that short girl from earlier. "DON'T TOUCH ME DAMN EXTRA!" I yelled at her. Damn. She looked almost like she was gonna cry. Why do I feel bad? "Jeez. I just wanted to say you have a really cool quirk, and your score on the ball throw was impressive, but if your gonna be like that, then nevermind." She said to me and turned to leave. I was surprised at this. I kinda want to know her more. She seems nice, and she's cute. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING THAT?! "Hey nerd, what's your name?" And she stuttered out "W-why do you w-w-want to know?" Her stutters adorable. UUGH I NEED TO STOP THINKING THAT! Why do I want to know her name? I quickly thought up a reason. "Your the one person who isn't intimated by me. You actually have the guts to stand up for yourself. Your strange, but for some reason, I wanna know a bit about you. I guess what Im Trying to say is, you caught my attention." I heard her mumble something. "Huh? Speak up." "(Y/n). You can call me (y/n)." That's a cute name. But if I called her by that deku would be all over me with questions so I said to her "(Y/n) huh? Hmm... I think shortie suits you better. I'm gonna call you shortie." And I saw her pout a bit at this. And then she sighed and said "whatever.Your names bakugou, right? I heard Mr. Aizawa call you that earlier." "Yeah and don't you forget it. I'm gonna be the number one hero.""Okay then... Can I go now? Your still gripping on my arm..." I looked at my hand, and sure enough, I was still gripping her arm. "Tch. Whatever shortie" I let go of her arm and walked away. Her skin was so soft and that pout was the cutest damn thing I've ever seen... I feel weird now.

why you? (bakugou x female reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now