class rep

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It was a few weeks later. Bakugou had kept his word and not bugged me about singing, and I was happy about that. It was the start of a new day, and Mr aizawa came in. "We have important matters to discuss today..." The entire room tenced up. The atmosphere was so still. "We're choosing class representatives." Instantly, the entire room burst into cheers. That todoroki kid and I were the only ones not making any noise. I figured he could care less, but my anxiety just wouldn't be able to handle the job. I pushed up my
Glasses, which were constantly sliding slowly off of my face and took a look around. Apon closer inspection, izuku wasent cheering either. He looked like he was so scared he was gonna die, right then and there. The room was in utter chaos. People were all yelling on how they would make the better representative. Bakugou was standing on his desk, yelling about how the job was best suited for someone like him. Eventually iida suggested a vote. But then he was sad cuz he didn't get a single vote. Izuku won with 4 votes, and Momo was our class officer with two. I was surprised to get 3 votes actually but I immediately handed the position to Momo. I don't like the attention. I think people were a bit surprised at that, but whatever.  Bakugou was pissed that izuku won and not him. It was kinda funny. Iida was sad since he didn't get any votes. It was his idea after all, and he really thought he would be good for the job.

At lunch I sat with izuku and his friends, I did see bakugou glaring at me so I decided to see why he was. So I activated my mind reading quirk and could hear his thoughts.
Why am I mad she's sitting with them? Ugh... What's with me? I kinda wish she would sit here though...
Hmm... Weird. But I think I'll sit with them tomorrow.
"Deku-kun! Are you happy you won?" Uraraka asked.
"I-i-i don't re-really know. I-i'm nervous a-about it all i-i guess." He said while shaking.
"You'll do fine myidoriya! I'm sure of it!" Iida said trying to cheer him up.
"Hey (y/n)-chan? Why did you give your position to Momo as soon as you got it?" Uraraka asked me.
"O-oh it's simple. I didn't even want it. Plus, my anxiety would always be getting the best of me, so it was for the best."
We continued to talk for a while but then an alarm went off. We asked an upperclassmen what was going on.
"A security breech. This hasent happened in my 3 years here. We have to evacuate."
We all stood up and made our way to the halls, that were flooding with people. I was being trampled. I would hardly breathe and started hyperventilating. No no no no no not now! Dont have a panic attack don't have a panic attack! DO NOT HAVE A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK!!!

....I had a panic attack....

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me close to them. To my surprise, it was bakugou. But within a few seconds my vision blurred and my panic attack became even worse. He pulled me in closer to his chest to calm me down. It worked a little actually. But my face was buried in his chest. He smells like carmel. Interesting... I thought to myself. That was the only straight thought I had before he said "calm down shortie. It's just the press." For some reason, his words calmed me, (while editing this I saw that the word 'clamed' somehow got changed to 'flamed'. Wtf autocorrect?!) and I could feel his heart pounding, since I was so close to him then. I felt my body relax a bit more and I heard iida yell, grabbing everyone's attention.
"EVERYONE CALM DOWN! ITS JUST THE PRESS! WE ARE U.A. STUDENTS. WR CAN HANDLE THIS." and everyone stopped shoving and trying to get out. Bakugou let go of me, and I saw that somehow iida made it to above a doorway.


We all made it back to class, and iida had a new nickname. 'emergancy exit iida.' it suited him. Izuku gave his position to iida, since he felt like iida was better suited than him for the position. Iida seemed happy, and the class seemed cool with it. Mr, aizawa couldn't care less. He picked up his lesson and we soon went home. I was walking with bakugou, as per usual as we were neighbors. Kiri, mina, sero, and kaminari went to the arcade. And I had something on my mind. So I decided to ask him about it. "Hey bakugou?" I heard a hum in response "why did you grab onto me today while we were evacuating the building?"
"Tch. I was pushed up to you and when I saw you were hyperventilating, I panicked and tried to calm you down. I know what they're like."
"O-oh, thank you." I replied with a smile
"Tch whatever." He said and looked away. I thought I saw a little pink on his face. He seemed a bit off so I used my mind reading quirk so see what was going on in his head.
What is wrong with me? Why is my heart racing? And why am I nervous? Ugh. Why can't I bring myself to hate this nerd?!
I stopped listening after that. I reached my house and just went inside with a quick 'bye' to bakugou. He kept walking, so I figured he didn't care. So I went inside, just to be bombarded with dogs, as per usual. I showered and ate dinner. Then my phone vibrated. It was a text from mirio.
~telebubbies sun 🌞~
Hey, you okay after the security breech at school today?
I read the text and smiled to myself, and then replied
'Yeah, a bit shaken up, but otherwise I'm good. Hbu?'
~telebubbies sun 🌞~
Thank god your alright! And yeah I'm good.
I'm glad. Did tamaki handle it okay?
~telebubbies sun 🌞~
Nope. I had to carry him out. 😅
No surprise there. Did you confess to him though?
~telebubbies sun 🌞~
Sadly not yet.
Come on! I feel like he won't say no! 😉
We continued to chat for a while before we both went to bed. I was feeling a lot calmer after talking about it with my closest friend. I knew tamaki had a huge crush on mirio and Miro had a crush on tamaki. I'm playing ship master and working to get them together. They just don't know it.

I'm not really that much over my writer's block, and also I'm kinda scared since I'm pretty sick rn, and currently being tested for covid-19. Wish me luck that it comes back negative! I'm a bit stressed about the results, but we'll see what happens!

Edited 7 05 20

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