Prologue Part 4

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An hour later, they arrived a their location. They got there a lot sooner compared to their trip to the fortress. Mainly because they weren't slowed down by Y/n's hotdogging. Cobalt landed with Y/n's small alien body sitting on his shoulder, and Batgirl parked her moped next to them. All three of them looked at the DNAliens supposed hideout.

Cobalt: Mineshaft. Classic villain lair.

Y/n leaped off of Cobalt's shoulder and slapped the dial on his chest, reverting back to his human form.

Y/n: Let's hope it is. I'm starting to get sleepy.

Batgirl: If it isn't, then I guess the Purple Prowler will have to pay Frank a visit.

Y/n: No, let's leave Frank alone for the night.

Cobalt: Why?

Y/n: He's... precious.

Y/n started to walk towards the mines with Cobalt and Batgirl, thinking about the poor Cinnamon Roll knight. As they walked through the buildings of the complex, they saw an old mineshaft elevator being guarded by a security guard with a shotgun. Y/n and Batgirl quickly hid behind a crate, staring down their new obstacle.

Batgirl: There's gotta to be something down that elevator.

Y/n: Okay, here's the plan. I'll distract him while you-


The two saw heard a metal noise and saw Cobalt standing over the now unconscious guard with a balled up metal fist. They quickly rushed over to their heavily armored friend.

Y/n: Dude! What the hell!

Cobalt: Hold on. Wait for it.

He reached down for the guard's face and grabbed something. He pulled back his hand, and in a flash of light, the guard turned into a DNAlien, much to Y/n's and Batgirl's surprise. Y/n looked at Cobalt with a raised eyebrow.

Y/n: How did you kno-

Cobalt: I didn't. I just took an educated guess. Which I'm glad was right, cause I'd probably had to change my identity if it wasn't. Here you go!

Cobalt tossed something to Y/n. It looked like a skin colored opera mask.

Cobalt: These guys were wearing these back at the slums. I think it's how they get around with out getting caught.

Y/n looked at the mask on the inside. It was black with lines of gold circuitry running across it. Y/n tried to put it in his pocket, thinking I might be useful when the time comes for it. But it wouldn't fit in his small pants pocket.

Batgirl: I got it.

Batgirl put her hand out, wanting the mask. Y/n gave it to her and she effortlessly put it in one of her small pouches on her belt. Cobalt and Y/n looked at her with surprised looks.

Batgirl: I got a pocket for everything.

With that, the trio walked into the elevator. Y/n closed the door behind him.

Y/n: Welp, down we go.

Y/n pushed the bottom button on the keypad and they started to descend. As they did, it gotten colder, and darker. Batgirl looked up watching the entrance growing small and smaller by the second. The frigid air danced across Y/n's exposed skin. Meanwhile, Cobalt was patiently waiting to reach the bottom, not bothered by the darkness or the cold at all, due to his armor.

Cobalt: Not really as alien as I had been hoping for. Where's all the space stuff?

A few seconds later, the elevator shaft was exposed to an opening as they still descended. Batgirl gasped, and Cobalt was taken aback from what was now visible to them.

The Shapeshifter of Metropolis (Kara/Supergirl x Omnitrix wielder Reader)Where stories live. Discover now