Sweet Justice Part 1

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That's your theme song. If you want you could use the one of the original Ben 10 themes. I just really like this song.

Y/n and Josh were in their final school period. History class. Today's topic was apparently about The French Revolution, but there teacher, Mr. O'Nella, was going on about some French guy that ate everything he saw.

Josh had his face buried in his crossed arms on the desk, soundly asleep. Y/n was also asleep, with his body leaned back into his chair with his head hanging back and his arms hanging from his sides. It's not that the class was particularly boring. It's because they stayed up all night fighting the Forever Knights, and some alien commander apart of a race called The Highbreed. Fortunately, they don't have to worry about him. He crashed and burned with the rest of his DNAlien hords on the ship Y/n destroyed.

Josh snorted awake, raising his head up. He looked forward to see Y/n sitting in front of him asleep. He glanced to the clock hanging on the wall and saw that class was almost over. He looked back at Y/n and lightly pushed his head in an attempt to wake him up.

Josh: *whispering* Y/n.

Y/n gave no response.

Josh: *whispering* Y/n!

Josh pushed slightly harder, but Y/n was still snoring.

Josh: *whispering* Y/N!

Josh gave one strong push, rocking Y/n's body forward. Y/n's face smashed into the desk, and the impact violently woke him up, causing him to sit straight. Dazed and confused, Y/n gave a random answer, not remembering what class he was in.


The whole class looked a Y/n, surprised by his sudden outburst.

Mr. O'Nella: Don't know what you're talking about L/n, but I like your enthusiasm. Anyway, back to Tarrare. This gross biological error of a man, if you could even call him that, would attempt to eat dead bodies in the mortuary. By this point in my research, I was so desensitized by this guy, I didn't even-

Student: Mr. O'Nella, what does this have to do with The French Revolution?

Mr. O'Nella: We'll get there when we get there, KYLE! Or whatever the hell your name is! You piece of sh-


Mr. O'Nella: Well, there's the bell. Now all you freeloaders get out of class! And don't get stepped on by a giant monster on the way home... Or get shot by a bank robber... Or get probed by Brainiac. God, why did I move here!?

Y/n and Josh sleepily walked out the class, when suddenly someone grabbed their shoulders from behind.


Y/n: AHHH!

Startled, Y/n and Josh whipped their bodies around to face Babs. Y/n raised his fists and stood in boxing stance, while Josh jumped into a crane stance. Despite their defensive stances, Babs stared at them with excitement in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Y/n: Babs! Don't do that! We could've killed you!

Babs: Why do you two look so tired?

Y/n: Because we stayed up all night fighting aliens, remember?

Josh: Yeah. In fact, why aren't you tired?

Babs: Because we're meeting up with the other Super-!

She stopped mid sentence and looked around to see if anyone beside Y/n and Josh were listening.

The Shapeshifter of Metropolis (Kara/Supergirl x Omnitrix wielder Reader)Where stories live. Discover now