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Feed me while you throw the plate in my face
Beat me while you make the roof fall down on me
Feel like I'm in a cage, I rather not breathe
I tried to hold my breath, but I couldn't last
I tried to close my eyes like I couldn't see
Pretended the wounds wasnt there but I only fooled myself
In fact, I became delusional to the fact my soul was broken
Not physically, but mentally
It was torn like a piece of paper
My soul was a fragile glass that if i scraped it it could get a cut
My skin was flimsy that I was damaged by a fall
I was weak mentally which made me weak physically
I lost myself, I didn't even think I was a human being
My life was at a point I had no cost
I was damaged I'll tell you
Damaged by the fact the person I love caused it
Damaged by the fact I didn't think I could becone so weak
Damaged by the fact the person made me feel none less like an animal
I shivered like that person was stone cold against my body
I shaked like that person was an unbalanced figure
I cried like the Satan done made me walk to hell
I felt as weak as a flower
I felt as ugly as a cyclops
I felt as dumb as a rock
But I was damaged
Damaged by the pain
Damaged by the broken trust
Damaged by the broken bond
The inequality made me feel like a savage
A savage as what the whites see African American as
A savage of what they would call me an animal
I felt like a slave that was a mixed child that got to sleep in the master house but had to work
The wounds showed my pain
I would never want to go back to that day
The day I became so weak that I realized I was damaged

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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