If anybody asks, yeah I'm taken

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If anybody wants to know
He is too

"What are you writing?" He asks making his way towards me.

"I-It's nothing" I say quickly shutting off my black journal and glanced up to him.

"I-It's nothing?" He mocks. "I know you Hayley you can't hide things from me," I rolls my eyes to him and stood up out of the couch. "And I know when you're lying you start stuttering"

"It's nothing, okay. It's nothing" I turn my back to him and about to leave when all of suddenly he grabbed my wrist, taking the journal to my hand.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and reached out my black journal to him, but he put it higher so I can't reach it.

"That's no fair!" He chuckled  while teasing me to reach it.

"I will not give this to you, if you don't tell me what you write in here" He says pushing me away.

I groan in annoyance and glared at him. "If you don't give that back to me then" I look around his living room and smirk. "I'm gonna break that painting!" I threatened  pointing the painting hang against the white wall.

He raises his eyebrow to me. "What's got to do with that painting of getting your journal to me?"

"Well, I know that painting is important to you since it was expensive and.."

"And what?"

"And...it makes your living room nice"

"That's all?" He tease, he knows I can't fight him when it comes to argument because he always win.
"Okay, break it then"

"Wait, you really wanted me to--"

"Yes, that's what you want right?"

"But I bought that to you" I remember that day when we went together in Art Gallery. I bought that painting to him because he can't keep staring at it. Besides, he's the only one who can keep me company since, Brian was busy on that day to manage the GoodDyeYoung.

"I know" He hummed. "And I like you to do whatever you want since you're the one who bought that to me"

"Are you serious?"

"Am I not?" He crossed his arms together and I glance to my black journal in his right hand, I sent him a glare before I quickly snatched it to him.

"I win!" I stuck my tongue out of him.

"Well you're not" He say making me furrowed my eyebrows, he walks over the painting taking it out of the wall.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna break it, like what you said earlier"

"Wait! Why?!"

"Because you don't want to tell what was written in that journal" He smirk and held the painting, he was about to break it with his knee when I quickly stopped him.

"Fine, I tell you" I rolls my eyes to him as he dance proudly to himself knowing he wins this time again, I rolled my eyes to him as he place back the painting on the wall while he keep on dancing. "I'm making lyrics" I whispers which I know he heard because he stop on dancing.

"Wait, do I heard it right you're making lyrics?"

"Do I stutter?"

He roll his eyes. "So you're making lyrics for the 6th album without knowing us?"

"No, I'm not making 6th album" He stared at me blankly.

"What do you mean you're not making 6th album?"

"I'm thinking of...doing a solo album" There was a bit of silence and I don't know where's Alf go because I can't hear him barks at the stuff toy I give to him earlier.

Eventually he break the silence. "You're leaving the band?"

"No, I've never say I'm leaving the band I just want to make a solo album, y'know I got a lot of issue going on that no one really knew about it, and I wanna let people in to experience a different side of myself that I've only very recently become familiar with."

He nod to what I said. "I know you, and I know that you're gonna want to create things around it, whether that's visual or some sort of conversation, you should have support, you should do it for real, you should tell to our manager" I frowned to what he said, I've thought that too before saying this to our manager about doing a solo making it was a scary for me. "Can I read your lyrics you made" I looked down to my journal in my hand that we'd been arguing earlier, I give it to him as he flipped through pages. I fiddled my fingers nervously not knowing what he will think about it, if it's sounds weird or creepy. "So far.. It's interesting but I notice is...It's about him" He say and I read the page he has stopped which is Sudden Desire.

I look down to my left hand seeing the three small square tattoos in my fingers, I wanted it to be part of the album because this is the reason I've been through a lot of things. In my life I've not experienced the healthiest of relationships, so the experience of desire and wanting is often scary me. After all, I never regret printing them through my skin. The truth is, it hurts me, knowing they all know what behind of those square tattoos covering my skin, sometimes I think of cutting off my fingers just to forget the pain that I'd felt for years. I thought he is the one, who will helps me with the trauma of my parents' marriage, I thought he is the one who can fix the glasses I'm trying to build with. Unfortunately, I never thought of him to break it more into pieces, I realized those glasses will never gonna fixed again, unless you find another one that never gonna easily break.

"I wanted this to be part of the album" I showed him my tattoos on my fingers, he knows behind those stories and he seems understand that because he nodded his head.

"Sure, whatever you want just know I'll be here to be the first person to support you" He says placing my black journal on his coffee table, I give him a small smile before hugging him.

"I'm so thankful that Zac introduced you to me, you are the amazing person I've ever met," He hugged me back while pulling me close to him. "I don't know what to do if you're not there to help me. If I never met you, Paramore will never get until here and have this millions of fans who loved and support us through everything" I whispers while tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I'm so proud to have a best friend like you, you're my golden-hearted partner-in-crime, Taylor, we'll never a huge family if it's not because of you, you save me and the band" We both pulled away as he stared to my eyes.

"I've never gonna have these if it's not because of you too" He says referring to his house that huge enough than mine, he cupped my cheeks in hands. "You're the one who fulfill my dreams to be a great musician" He smile wiping my tears with his thumbs before leaning to me and kissing my forehead, I smile from the kissed he gave me.

"I also wanted to make a lyrics song about us," I wrap my hands around neck while his hands were caressing my waists. "I want it to indicate on the lyrics, to let them know that we're already official, without us telling it on the internet" I said, knowing he's a kind of private person who don't like sharing to everyone what's going on to his life, that's why he rarely post on his accounts but more often he deleted what he posted. "If that's okay with you?" I bite the inside of my cheek waiting for his answer, honestly I've been stalking the fans who shipping us, and I don't want them to think this was just an imagination, I want to let them know what they believed is true that there's actually going on between us.

He rest his forehead to mine. "If that's what you like, then we'll let them know we both officially taken"

The End

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