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I just got home from killing. My clothes was covered in blood.

"Ugh... i need a shower."

I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. The warm water cooled down my head. After that, i put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I put my bloody clothes in the washer and turned it on.

"Ugh.... i'm tired...." as i said that i fell asleep on my bed.

You might be asking who i am. Well, my name is Serena Merkov. I am a normal 20 year old orphan that work a part-time job at a cafe. I droped out of college because i don't like it. Seems normal right ?

That is what other people saw me as. But i am far from normal. I have a double live as an assassin. I am known as Demonica. I must admit that i am quite famous here. People tremble when hearing my name.

As an assassin, i make a lot of money. The job was also quite easy. I also like to go killing when i got bored.

After i fell asleep, i heard a noice. My window was opening and a man came into my room. The lights were off, i couldn't see his face. But he was holding a knife.


As he was about to stab me, i grab his arm and kick his stomach. He grunted in pain. I grab his knife and slide it under my bed. I hit his neck and he pass out immediately.

I went to the switch and turn the lights on. Now i can see the man's face clearly. His skin was paper white. There's also a scar on his mouth and it seems that he has no eyelids.

I grab a chair and a rope from my closet. I tied him to the chair so he can't escape.

After that i went back to sleep.

===The Next Morning===
"Hoahmmm...... ugh.... it's already morning."

My eyes went to the chair where i tied the man. The chair was empty.

"What the ??? Where did he go ???"

The rope was on the ground. He couldn't have possibly untied the rope by himself. Someone must have helped him. But i didn't hear anyone coming into my room.

"Ugh.... i'll think about it later. I need to get ready for my job."

I took a shower and changed my clothes. After that i went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. It was a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.

After i finnished eating my breakfast, i went to my garage and rode my motorcycle to work. When i arrived at the cafe, i was greeted by my co-workers.

"Good morning Serena. How are you ?" (Peony)

"Good morning Peony, i'm fine. How about you ?" (Serena)

"I'm good. Yesterday my boyfriend took me out on a date to the amusement park. It was really fun. Oh yeah Serena, when are you going to get a boyfriend ? If you're interested, i can introduce you to my friend." (Peony)

"I'm not interested in dating right now." (Serena)

"But why ? You're really pretty and nice. I'm sure there's a lot of people that will be interested in you." (Peony)

"Well maybe someday but not now. Come on Peony, we have work to do." (Serena)

"Ok. I'm coming." (Peony)

I worked at the cafe from 9 AM to 11 AM and then took a break before going back to work until 3 PM. After that i went back home and watch movies until night time.

Jeff P.O.V
"Hmm.... who should i kill tonight ?"

I was walking around the neighborhood when i stumbled upon a two-story house. It was decent sized with some flowers at the front. I decided to kill the person in the house.

There was also a tree next to the window. I climbed up the tree and jumped to the window. I arrive at a small bedroom. There was a girl sleeping on the bed. I walked closer to her.


As i was about to stab her, she grab my arm and kicked my stomach.


She went up to me and knocked me out.

After a while, i finally woke up. I was tied to a chair.

"What the hell ?!"

I tried to free myself but the rope was too strong.

"Damn... i underestimated her."

She was really strong. My stomach still hurts from her kick.

A couple of minutes later, i heard the TV turn on and Ben came out from the TV.

"Wow Jeff. What happened to you ??" (Ben)

It was clear that he was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Shut up and help me untie this fucking rope." (Jeff)

"Alright alright geez." (Ben)

Ben untied me and i was finally free.

"Thanks, i guess..." (Jeff)

"No prob. By the way everyone has been looking for you. I had to go through a lot of electronics to find you, you know ? Come on let's head back. Everyone's going to be shock when they found out you have been captured." (Ben)

I followed Ben into the TV. We exited the TV into a living room. Slendy and the others were there.

"Where were you, Jeff ? You've been gone all night. It's already 6 AM." (Toby)

"Uh yeah.... about that....." (Jeff)

"Mind explaining yourself Jeffrey ?" (Slendy)

"Well you wouldn't believe it but i found Jeff tied to a chair." (Ben)

After he said that, Ben was laughing so hard.

"What ??" (EJ)

"Stop laughing Ben ! It's not funny !" (Jeff)

"Jeff, explain." (Slendy)

"Ugh... fine. I was going to go kill someone when i found a house. I decided to kill the person that lives there. I went to their room and when i was about to stab her. She grabed my arm and kicked my stomach. After that she knocked me out. When i woke up, i was already tied to a chair." (Jeff)

"You were beaten by a mere human girl ? How weak *laughs*." (Jane)

"Hey ! Then why don't you try it ?" (Jeff)

"Enough. Who is this human that you speak of ?" (Slendy)

"She's a human girl that lives in the house at XXXX street. Her house was decent sized with some flowers and a tree near her bedroom window. I haven't killed her yet. She took my knife." (Jeff)

"Hmmm.... you may go back to your room now Jeff. Masky, Hoodie, my office now." (Slendy)

Slendy P.O.V
I teleported to my office and waited for Masky and Hoodie.

This girl seems interesting

After a while, i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." (Slendy)

"You need us, boss ?" (Masky)

"Yes. I want you to investigate the girl. Report back to me when you find something." (Slendy)

"Yes, boss." (Masky and Hoodie)

Hello readers ! This is Aleta and this is my second book.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes. If there is, please tell me in the comments. My first language is not English so i'm very sorry if there is any mistake.

I don't know when i will updating this story again but hopefully i can update soon.

Thank you for reading this chapter. If you like my story please leave a vote and a comment. That's all from me, bye~.

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