Another One

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Serena P.O.V
Today is just a normal day at the cafe. Right now i'm just cleaning some tables up.

"Hey Serena, have you heard about the new carnival that's in town ? Me and my boyfriend will go there when my shift is over and i am wondering if you would like to go with us." (Peony)

"Is it okay ? Won't i be interrupting your date ?" (Serena)

"It's alright. I already told him about it and he is okay with it." (Peony)

"Then i will go." (Serena)

"Yay ! My boyfriend will pick us up when our shift is over." (Peony)

"Okay." (Serena)

When our shift was over Peony's boyfriend, Caleb came to pick us up. The carnival was not that far from the cafe. It was easy to locate it, the carnival had many colorful lights and is very loud. I haven't been on a carnival for a long time, so i was really excited.

"We're here." (Caleb)

The carnival is very big. We all bought our tickets then went in. Inside there are many different games and food stands. We started playing some games together.

"Hey Serena, let's compete on that shooting game." (Caleb)

"Are you sure Caleb ? You can't even throw a ball straight." (Peony)

"Well you never know. I never tried shooting, maybe i have a secret talent for it." (Caleb)

"Ok i'll play. But if i win you have to buy me a cotton candy." (Serena)

"Alright. But if i win you have to buy me popcorn." (Caleb)

"Deal." (Serena)

We all walked to the shooting stan. There we saw 3 other people playing the game.

"2 games please." (Serena)

I gave the other gun to Caleb and prepare to shoot. We both started shooting and i won by a lot. I manage to shoot 30 targets and Caleb only manage to shoot 18.

"Dang. How are you so good at this ?" (Caleb)

"Just luck maybe. Anyway you owe me a cotton candy." (Serena)

Suddenly one of the 3 guys there talked to me.

"Hey, you're preety good at shooting. Mind competing with me ?" (???)

"Huh ? Um... ok." (Serena)

I handed some money to the employee and played another game.

Why do i have a feeling that i've seen them somewhere ?

We both started shooting. It was a close match. I got 35 targets and he got 33 targets.

"Wow... you're really good." (???)

"Thank you. You're really good aswell. By the way my name is Serena. What's yours ?" (Serena)

"I'm Tim. This is Brian and this is Toby." (Tim)

"Well nice to meet you but i have to go now. Bye." (Serena)

"Goodbye." (Tim)

That was interesting. I think that was the pastas that's been watching me a couple of weeks ago. What was their names again ?

Ah yes, Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby. Seriously, couldn't they have come up with a better name ??

Me, Caleb, and Peony walked to the food stans and bought some food. Caleb also bought me my cotton candy. It was delicious.

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