Feeling Watch

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Serena P.O.V
It was a normal Saturday morning when i ran out of food.

"What the.... i ran out of food again ?? I just restoked it a week ago. Guess i will have to go grocery shopping today."

I quickly changed my clothes and rode my motorcycle to the mall.

Now.... what should i do first ? Hmmm.... how about i buy some new games.

I walked to the game store and picked out a couple of games. I saw a new game that's really popular these days.

I guess i can give it a try.

There was only 1 copy left of the game. As i was about to reach for it, a boy with blond hair and red eyes reach for it too. We both stop and look at each other.

"Oh sorry, you can have the game." (Serena)

"No it's okay you can have it." (???)

"No no you can have it. I don't really want it anyway." (Serena)

"Then how about we both pay for it and we can play it together." (???)

"Alright then, i'm fine with that. By the way what's your name ? I'm Serena." (Serena)

"I'm Ben. Nice to meet you." (Ben)

We both walk to the counter and pay for our games.

"So... you want to play it at my house or yours ?" (Serena)

"I live with a lot of people so i don't think we can go to my house." (Ben)

"Well then my house it is. When are you free ?" (Serena)

"How about next week at 10 AM ?" (Ben)

"Sounds good. Here's my address." (Serena)

I wrote my address on a piece of paper and gave it to him.

"See you next week." (Serena)

I waved him goodbye and went to buy some groceries. After that i went home and watched some netflix while eating ice cream.

Ben P.O.V
Serena waved me goodbye and left.

She's cute.

I stared at the address and memorized it.

Why does it seems like i've heard it somewhere ? But i can't seem to put my finger on it.

Meh.... it's probably nothing.

I went back to the mansion and saw Masky, Hoodie, and Toby walking out.

"Hey, where are you guys going ?" (Ben)

"We are going to investigate the girl that beat up Jeff." (Toby)

"Well goodluck with that. Be careful not to get beaten up like Jeff." (Ben)

"That's not going to happen." (Masky)

"Well you never know." (Ben)

I went up to my room and played some games. I must admit that i am a bit interested in the girl. It was dark so i couldn't see the girl's face. But i think Jeff just sucked. The girl probably just know some martial arts and beat him.

But something was off. There was no report on a guy that broke into a girl's room at night. The girl didn't report the accident. But i think the girl has her reasons and besides, it's none of my business.

Toby P.O.V
We were walking to the girl's house. Masky was looking at the address trying to locate her house.

"Her house is at XXXX street number XX." (Masky)

"Is that her house ?" (Toby)

"I don't think so. Jeff said she has a tree near her bedroom window and some flowers at the front." (Masky)

"Is it that one ?" (Hoodie)

Hoodie pointed at a two-story house that's white with some flowers planted at the front. The house also has a big tree at the front near a window.

"I think this is it." (Masky)

As we walked closer, we heard a motorcycle coming. We all hide behind an allyway as we watch the motorcycle coming to a stop right in front of the house.

The person riding the motorcycle got off and took off their helmet revealing a girl in her 20's. She moved the motorcycle to her garage and grabed her groceries before heading inside.

"Is that the girl ? She looks so weak. How can she even beat Jeff." (Masky)

"I think Jeff just sucked." (Toby)

"I agree." (Hoodie)

We watched her house until night and we didn't saw anything interesting. She just went and put her groceries where they belong then proceeded to walk to her room  to play games.

"Are you sure we got the right house ? Because i don't see anything out of the ordinary. I just see a normal girl living a normal life." (Toby)

"Let's go back and report to the boss. We'll come back tomorrow." (Masky)

"Alright fine." (Toby)

Serena P.O.V
Why do i feel like someone is watching me right now ?

After i put my groceries, i quickly went up to my room and played some games. Before that i pretended to chat my friends on my phone while i access my cameras through my phone. I have secret cameras all over my house just in case something happens.

I saw 3 men watching me from the woods near my house.

What the..... that's creepy. Don't they have anything else better to do ?

I continued to play some games while gradually looking at my phone.

Damn.... when are they going to leave ?

It was already night time when they all finally left.

Wow.... they are persistent. I'll give them that.

Eversince i beat up that guy, it seems that a lot of strange things started happening. I should do some research on them. It could come in handy.

I stoped playing games and went to the internet. I inserted "Crazy killer with a cut on his face and white skin" to the search bar. Some news about him immediately popped up.

His name is Jeff the killer and he is in some group called creepypasta. A group of coo-coo killers with an octopus for a leader. Well, that's interesting.

I looked up the guys from earlier and i found some information about them. Its seems like their names are Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby.

What the hell is up with these names ?? Couldn't they have come up with something better ?

I spent sometime looking at other pastas. It was really interesting. I guess now i have these lunatics on my tail. I need to be more careful from now on. I don't want them to know my identity.

Hmmm..... they haven't tried to kill me yet. That's weird. I think they are interested in me because i beat up one of their friends.

Well.... why don't i play with them for a while and see where it goes. The secret to being smart is knowing when to play dumb.

I don't know why but i think this will be interesting.

Heyy, Aleta here. It's another chapter !

I hope you guys like this chapter, i will update again when i have time.

Sorry if there's any spelling and grammar mistakes. English is not my first language. Please tell me if there is any mistake in the comments.

That's all from me, bye~~

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