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hyung! get up you're gonna make me late

wait idk if you're older than me but you called me a kid yesterday so you probably are!


i'm up!! sorry i was in the shower, and yes you're correct i am older than you :)

hehe ok, get dressed and meet me outside, be quick!


"sorry jisung, i forgot that i was coming to your work place today" he apologised.

"it's ok, i'm pretty sure chris won't mind if we're a little late" he smiled as they started walking to the bus stop.

"chris? sounds familiar.."


"woah" he looked up at the building, "you didn't tell me you worked for jyp!!"

"didn't think it was important, now come on, i'm already late enough" jisung dragged home inside the building, they walked through several corridors until they reached the studio. "hey chris! my friend came along he's just gonna sit in the corner so don't worry about him"

"oh hey sung" he took his headphones off.

"meet my friend minho, he lives next door and we just kind-"

"sung i don't need a whole backstory! plus i know this minho, he's my friend too!"

"yeah i knew the name chris sounded oddly familiar" minho smiled, "i've known chan for quite a while"

"oh..well that's nice! so what should i do? you know it's meant to be my day off"

"nothing much, just need to you record this rap and you're free for the day" he leaned back on his chair, "you wanna help min?"

"thanks for the offer but i'd rather not channie"

jisung looked at minho, "channie? seriously?"

"what? it suits him, now go get in there i wanna hear your voice" minho pushed jisung inside the recording booth. as soon as the music started played, jisung began to sing; minho smiled as the other boy sang, his voice was so angelic.

"he's so good!!" minho said. "chan why isn't he an idol"

"jisung has anxiety, he would freak out on stage" chan told him, "that's why he just records the demo for the artists, this ones for Kim Haru. if i wasn't dating jeongin, i would ask him out"

"you know just because jeongin's in busan doesn't mean you can keep hitting on other guys!!" minho hit his shoulder, "if you don't stop i'll tell him"

"no! don't tell him seriously that kid is way stronger than you think he'll beat me up"

"hm, so you should stop it before something bad happens" minho looked at chan's laptop. "oo the recordings done!"

"min can you pass me some water" jisung asked. "thank you" he took the water bottle from him.

"sung you need to go give this to haru!" he handed him a usb, "and tell him i sa-" minho hit him again, "never mind.."


"hi hyung! this is for you.." he smiled and handed haru the usb.

"thank you sungie!" he said, as jisung and minho were about to walk away, haru spoke again. "jisung! i was wondering if uh you were free this week, maybe we could get a coffee or something.."

"ah thank you for the offer hyung but my friends visiting after a really long time and i'll be busy with him"

"oh of course, forget i ever asked!" he said before turning around and awkwardly walking away.

minho looked at jisung, who looked back at him with a smile "what, he likes to flirt sometimes"


i hate this chapter so much omg pls kill me

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