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jisung jumped onto the table, "I LOVE LEE MINHOOOOO"

"uh yeah you might wanna get down here, jisung accidentally had too much alcohol and he's not taking it well" chan said to minho over the phone.

tonight was the release party for jaemin's new album, and he'd invited chan and jisung to it as they helped him with the tracks on his album. jisung had drank a lot but he didn't realise that he was drinking alcohol, so now he was a drunk mess.

"jaeminn!" he put his arms around his neck, "minnie i need to tell you a secret"

"what is it sung?" the older boy laughed.

"ok you can't tell ANYONE!!" he giggled, "i'm in love! shhhh"

"and who are you in love with ji?" he asked.

"minho hyung! he's the most adorable boy ever, you should meet him" jisung took another sip but jaemin took the bottle away from him. "HEY THATS MINE!"

"i think you've drunk enough today jisung, let's wait for your boyfriend to get here ok?"

"mhmm fineeee!" he frowned, "hey hyung, me and minho had tHE BEST SEX-"

"jisung i don't think you should be telling him that!!" chan dragged him away from jaemin, "you shouldn't really be telling anyone that sung"

"channnnieeeee! you're a bad boy"

"minho's here for you" he said and jisung started jumping around, "hold my hand and i'll take you down to him"


jisung jumped onto minho as soon as he saw him, "so you're a clingy drunk, wonderful! also channie thank you so much for taking care of him, i'll see you later!!" minho led jisung to the car and helped him sit down, "you got your belt on sunshine?"

"yes hyungie! let's gooo!!"


"minho! minnnhooo" he cupped the older boys face, "you remind me of a cat"

"oh really?"

"yes! and and i think you're the cutest cat i've ever met" he kissed his nose, "you're so tiny"

"sung i'm taller than you"

"SHHHH!!" he yelled, "shush" jisung looked at minho and didn't say anything, he was simply admiring his boyfriend's features.

"what's wrong you stopped talking"

"i think you're my soulmate hyungie, i think we were meant to be together" he said softly, "i think i wanna spend my whole life with you"

"i think i wanna spend my whole life with you too sunshine" he placed a gentle kiss on jisung's lips.



i love seo changbin, he's sO FUCKING TALENTED REEEEE

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